March 2013 Moms

Ways to piss off your ftm wife

Now I know this is also my own fault cause men can't read minds, but today we were discussing DH needing to run some errands today and whether or not the whole family was going to go, or if he should just go do them quickly on his own. My logic was it's his decision because if we wants to do them quickly then I'll stay home with LO if he wants all of us to go all meaning myself LO as well know it will take longer but we can all go. Eventually this turned into a back and forth of "whatever you want." I told him I'll do whatever he preferred and his response was "I don't care if you go or not" which was not what I had wanted to hear. Again, I know my own fault for not just saying of course I want out of the house, but I also want him to WANT us to go with him. Anyone else being a lunatic today? lol

Re: Ways to piss off your ftm wife

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    Leni410Leni410 member
    The baby started fussing earlier so he was bouncing her, giving the paci.. Trying to calm her down when he looked at me asking what she needed. My response was well i don't know i usually just guess.. Not what he wanted to hear. He stomped around with a fussy baby till i decided to try to nurse her... 2 hours after her last feeding so it wasn't expected.
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    That drives me nuts! I told DH that calming him is just a game of memory, "this worked last time, lets try that again"
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    A few weeks after I had my first child my husband was in the bathroom cleaning the cat box and I was pissed he was cleaning it and then I realized i would have been pissed if he did not clean it. We all have our crazy thoughts. Admit it to yourself and let your partner off the hook
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    tilsonctilsonc member
    LOL, My LO is 2 months and we don't take her out much. It is so much faster for us to take turns running me to run errands. I kinda like getting out of the house and having some alone time and DH hates it works out!!  We all go out if MIL comes into town and we all want to go somewhere, but LO gets pretty tired and we are home within 2 hours. Its hit or miss on how she will behave. The good news is we get to go out on datenight when MIL is in town...which has been every few weeks.
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