March 2013 Moms

DD has made up her mind

This is really a vent but if someone has any suggestions/ideas I'd gladly take it..

So DD was taking both the bottle and the breast like a champion from day one. She had jaundice and we did 15 minutes of breast time for each side then an ounce of formula..there was no nipple confusion..after we stopped supplementing she still got breast milk in the bottle from DH when I needed a break..

This last week at 8 weeks and 3 days she decided one day that she likes the breast and absolutely refuses the bottle.

We've tried every bottle and nipple tip there is..warming the milk..having someone other than me or DH feed her..waiting til she was her the bottle when she was content...nothing has's pretty frustrating and stressful as she is still feeding every 2 hours (more like hourly in the evenings) and I feel like I am hooked to her all day/night long.

 Pediatrician says it's usually at 3 months that some babies realize mom's milk is better and totally refuse the bottle. Some kids can go back on the bottle but some kids will never take a bottle again.  I wish I knew where DD belonged..hopefully something will click and she'd take it again..sigh.

Vent over.  For now.

Re: DD has made up her mind

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    jgoetz1jgoetz1 member
    We're dealing with this now too.  Luckily I'm off for the summer so can BF, but I do have to go back to work for a week before then.  Not sure what we're going to do.
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    Oh no! I'm going back to work when lo is 8 weeks. She'll be in day care 3 days a week and with dh 2. I hope we don't have that problem. At 7 weeks we've been doing fine with bottle or breast. GL!


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    sounds bad to say this, but I so regret this whole breastfeeding thing. I had no idea it came with such setbacks. We've been through hell to get breastfeeding to work (5 or more lactation nurse visits, matitis, thrush, clogged duct, a lump that had to be ultrasound,  mammogramed and biopsied finally..pain of cracked bloody nipples at the beginning....) and now I feel stuck..and honestly starting to feel depressed.

    I wish I had given up week 1 because I'm so tied down to her and no one can help.. With her feeding so frequently, I can't go anywhere.

    If by miracle we have another kid, he or she will be on bottled formula from day 1. So frustrated and done. People don't realize how stressful it is until they experience it themselves..

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