Natural Birth

So much for all my plans...

They're making me go in for an induction at 8 tonight due to low fluid levels.  I feel like I've been defeated before I even got a chance to try.

I am so not a happy mama right now.

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Re: So much for all my plans...

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    Don't give up! There are natural after induction stories in the FAQ:

    See post here and another post here



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    JJ_13JJ_13 member
    I was induced in December and didn't get the epidural. It was insanely painful but you can do it! I wasn't as mobile as I would have been otherwise because with a pit drip, you have to be monitored and of course, you have the stupid IV wheely thing, but my doula and husband helped me stay mobile. I think I was on the bed for a total of 10 minutes of the 9 hours of labor! It is definitely possible to be otherwise drug free if that's your goal!
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    JKB1986JKB1986 member
    Good luck!! Can't wait to read about your success story, you can do it!!
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    I was induced (because my water broke but I never started labor) too and still considered my birth natural because I didn't have any other meds.  
    imageimageimage Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I was induced, started with Cervadil. It put me into labor and I didn't need the pitocin. I went on to have no more interventions, and had what I'd consider a natural delivery. :)
    Wyatt 9/6/2011 
    Tessa 7/5/2013
    Baby #3- ????? (ttc soon)

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    Just remember that in the end a healthy mama and baby is the goal!


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    I've been wondering about you, I'm sorry to hear things have changed your plans. I'm hoping you can have a wonderful birth experience despite this hiccup and the your LO feels as wonderful in your arms as mine does to me. 


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    Have you tried increasing your hydration?  There is scholarly medical research showing that drinking 2 liters of water will increase your AFI within hours! Here's  a link to an article from a research journal addressing induction and low amniotic fluid levels:


    If the link doesn't work, type into your search engine the title of the article:

    Isolated oligohydramnios at term: Is induction indicated? 


    A woman in my Bradley class was found to have low AFI and she was already high risk. She followed the recommendations to drink 2 L and was able to increase her AFI by 10 over a week-long period. I hope this helps!

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