Postpartum Depression

Talking to the doc tomorrow but want a heads up

So I am almost positive I have PPD.  I suffered from Depression when I was in college so I knew the signs.  I just had Lo #2 6 weeks ago.  I thought at first it was just baby blues but the feelings have not gone away and gotten more intense.  Only reason I have not called my OBGYN yet is because I have an appointment tomorrow anyway.

I just want to know what to expect from my OBGYN.  What has everyone else experience been?  Will they suggest meds (I was on them before)?  Will they suggest therapy?  Any ideas, experiences welcome!  TIA

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Re: Talking to the doc tomorrow but want a heads up

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    When I thought I had PPD I called my OB. They had me come in, they asked me to describe how I was feeling (describe the physical symptoms, etc). They also asked me if I felt like harming myself or the baby.

    My OB gave me a medicine to try (I started out with zoloft but he switched me to lexapro after I had a bad reaction to zoloft) and he helped me set up appointments with a psychiatrist and a counselor.

    They were very nice, I think they deal with that a lot. The nurses talked to me, ooh-ed and aaah-ed over the baby, etc. No one made me feel bad about it or uncomfortable. 

    Evelyn (3.24.10), Graham (5.30.13) & Miles (8.28.16)
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    When I had PPD my OBGYN was awesome.  She put me on meds and got me set up with a psychiatrist.  She was very understanding.  I agree with previous poster, I think they deal with PPD a lot.
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