Natural Birth

Labor pains?

Has anyone experienced "normal" tightening contractions in the days leading up to the birth, but then the day of birth you only feel like you are having one long uninterrupted menstrual cramp? That's how labor felt for me with my first, but he was a micropreemie born at 24 weeks. I'm nearly 39 weeks now. Should labor feel the same, despite the huge difference in gestational age? I have read you shouldn't go to the hospital unless you have a steady 411 pattern of contractions... What did it feel like for you during active labor?

Re: Labor pains?

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    I had "normal" BH contractions starting around 36 weeks with DS2.  Then the night I went into real labor I had continuous awful back pain for around 2 hours.  Less than two hours after that he was born.  He was "sunny side up" though, so I don't know if that was the reason for the continuous pain. 

    Labor with DS1 was more like what you'd expect.  Timeable contrax that got steadily closer together and steadily worse as far as pain goes. DS1 was born at 35 weeks, DS2 at 39 weeks. So I think each labor is different.

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    I had intermittent BH contractions starting at 37 weeks.  They felt like menstrual cramps and I would have a few at a time then nothing.  When I went into labor my contractions started out of the blue.  Early labor felt a lot like the BH contractions.  However, they were time-able and kept coming.   The early labor contractions were pretty easy and I was able to laugh and talk with my H.  When I was in active labor the contractions were intense.  I felt the whole belly tightening and had intense back labor.  I was no longer able to talk and laugh.  I had to focus on getting through each contractions. My contractions never established a solid pattern of 4-1-1 or 6-1-1.  I would have several on top of each other then a longer break.  However, the intensity of the contractions increased and they felt different. 
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    MrsC88MrsC88 member
    Thank you both for your responses! I ended up going in to get checked out and discuss with my doctor what I should be looking for. Turns out this morning was a false alarm, and now I have a much better idea of what I'm looking for!
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