Cloth Diapering

NB BG question

I've heard a big complaint being the aren't absorbent enough even if they fit well. It may be a dumb question, but can I put an insert or a prefold in it to increase absorbency even though it isn't made for that?
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Re: NB BG question

  • I suppose you could layer it, but it's an AIO, not a pocket. Anything you put in it to increase absorbency is going to be directly on your LO's skin, so you'll have to be careful there. Also, they are really small diapers, I'd be worried with a larger newborn about messing up the fit. I have a few, but I'm really doubting their ability to fit my big 9+ lb babies well at all.
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  • This isn't really answering your question, but even though a lot of people complain about their LO outgrowing the absorbancy at 2 to 3 weeks, my DD is 5 weeks and still fine in them during the day.

    I agree with PP about since it's such a small diaper, adding a prefold or even just a cotton or bamboo insert might mess with getting a very good fit.

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  • I think some people have used the BG stay dry doubler. I don't have LOs yet, but I have the NB dipes and doublers. Seems like they would work.
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    Said Goodbye to our sweet Bennett after 5 short hours.  
    Spent 35 days in the NICU with our little girl.

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  • My DS outgrew the absorbency by two weeks old! They fit fine but he could soak them in less than an hour and leak.  I didn't like them at all. My other newborn AIOs (Thirsties and Swaddlebees) both had the tunnel design to add absorbency if needed. They both lasted for a couple months longer than the BG newborns even without adding anything.
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