Cloth Diapering

Laundry Tart Strip It vs Rockin Green Funk Rock

I have been a lurker on this board and have learned so much about cloth diapering from reading the posts. Thank you so much!

After 9 months of use, I am finding my diapers are getting a little smelly and are not quite as absorbent as they used to be. I tried stripping with Dawn and them seem better but not quite fixed. I am thinking I am going to have to try something else.

Does anyone have opinions on Strip It vs Funk Rock? Or is RLR better?


Re: Laundry Tart Strip It vs Rockin Green Funk Rock

  • Rockin Green got rid of our funk when blue dawn didn't do it. :)
    Mommy to N (3), J (2), and C (10 months). LO4 is due in mid-September.
  • Funk Rock did absolutely nothing for us.  RLR worked much better.

    I've also heard good things about Tiny Bubbles stripping detergent.  It's called Mighty Bubbles.  I haven't personally tried it, but Tiny Bubbles detergent is what finally got rid of our ammonia issues and our local cloth diaper store said people have been getting great results with it!

    photo 7ce353dd-36ff-42be-84c5-8548c1d4fa1cjpg
    BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
    BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
    BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
    BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
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  • We use Tiny Bubbles soap now so it might be worth a try. Thanks!
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