February 2012 Moms

Dentist for DS and Me...update

So I had asked questions about the dentist the other day. Thanks for the input everyone.

So DS did great. He let them brush his teeth, and the dentist had him lay in my lap with his head on the dentist's lap to look in his mouth. DS cried, but the dentist said he wants that otherwise he can't look in his mouth. He said DS' teeth look great and that we just continue to do what we are doing.

Now me on the other hand...

I have 4 cavities and one old one that needs a crown. I was in shock. I have never had cavities like this before. I brush twice a day but rarely floss and that's where I had the cavities. The dentist said it could be from the pregnancy with DS because the baby takes your nutrients or something. I don't know if this is true or not, but I was so embarrassed. I don't want to be one of those people with bad teeth when they older. DH sucks at brushing his teeth, seriously he's like a little kid and always 'forgets' to brush them...and guess what? He had no cavities.

Anyone else have bad teeth after pregnancy or heard anything like that?

I am starting to rethink TTC in November... 

Re: Dentist for DS and Me...update

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    I have HORRIBLE teeth! I always have : (  I have a lot of fillings. I'm always embarrassed. Pregnancy was horrible to my gums but not my teeth. I didn't get any cavities, but my gums bleed all. the. time. It was horrible. When I would brush over my gums, it hurt so bad. Don't rethink TTC in November!! (That's when we're starting too lol)
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    My gums were totally more sensitive while pregnant and my eyes were a litle worse.  I have a dentist appointment in a couple weeks and I'm sure there are cavaties (I rarely, ok never, floss either).  I have heard about the pregnancy making strange changes in your body though so it seems legit.

    I guess I have to get Allison to the dentist soon don't I?  Crud...

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    I have heard that your teeth and mouth are more susceptible to gingivitis while pregnant. I'd imagine this could include cavities or other teeth related issues. I certainly wouldn't put off TTC because of it though. A few cavities isn't going to destroy your mouth. By going to dentist regularly and getting them fixed you're doing all you can and should do.
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    Pregnancy related teeth issues is VERY common! My older sister never had any cavities until she had her kids. So, don't beat yourself up over this, it's very common!

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    Ha! I just had a dentist visit a few weeks ago.  Prognosis:  I have early periodontal disease and needed to get my teeth scaled.  That was not fun, and a bit shocking considering I take pretty good care of my teeth.  In addition to that, two fillings need to be replaced.  On the plus side, I got a 'free' waterpik at my scaling visit.  I never liked flossing, but the waterpik makes it easy peasy.
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    Ugh, I've had 3 cavities since Nat and we replaced one crown. Pregnancy was bad on my teeth, too!

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    I have heard that pregnancy is very hard on teeth for the exact reason your dentist mentioned.  My insurance actually covers 3 visits per year instead of just 2 when I am pregnant for this reason.  I have been to the dentist only ONCE since L was born.  I need to get DH to add L to our insurance so we can both go. 
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