Just FYI, you don't want people to voice their opinions, don't post.
BFP#1 9/28/2012 - EDD 6/3/2013 - MMC discovered 11/21/2012 @ 12w2d - D&C 11/24/2012
BFP#2 4/4/2013 - Born at 37w3d on 11/26/13 via emergency c-section
Loving our beautiful rainbow baby boy Archer!
~*All AL Welcome*~
Re: DDing is rude
LOL! yeah, definitely not exciting board drama.
Dirty Delete. It's when you post a thread, people take the time to respond, and then you delete the whole thread because you don't like the response.
I know! 1st tri was a little crazy today.. But this board has been very surprisingly calm..
Aww man! Missed that one...
Oh good gracious! Nope, it was genuinely meant. It's a bummer I need to clarify that, but there you go. Nice use of "shiz", though.
Oh my god. I am so tired of the whiney why can't we all support each other crap. Grow up and realize just because people don't agree with you doesn't mean we're horrible people.
This is definitely a scary and huge experience! I hope you get the support you're looking for on this forum because after all, that's what it's for. Happy baby journey to you too I've seen some commenters get nasty and I don't understand why anyone would come to the bump with attitude against others going through this exhilarating experience but I've been able to tune it out and focus only on the things that benefit me. Hope you can too! HH9M!
O.M.G. So. This!
Emma Kate - born 10.16.03 @ 29 weeks, weighed 1lb 13oz and 13.5" long.
TTC #3
Not one of the comments posted were "nasty" first off. Secondly, no one gave you advice because there was none to give, your boss busted you, you came up with a believable excuse, move on.
ETA: quote fail!
oh geez, I missed that one!
Oh man. What did I miss. Can anyone post a clicky? What board was it on??
ETA: I found it. Now I am behind on everything I needed to do today.