October 2013 Moms

3 day headache

I am going on day 3 with a headache. Nighttime I the worst, daytime is tolerable. It hurts when I stand up or move too fast. Any suggestions?

Re: 3 day headache

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    Where is your headache? Behind your eyes? Forehead? Neck?
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    Make sure to check your BP. It sounds like it could be from blood pressure issues. Also, try pushing on your sinuses (not just the ones by your nose, but the ones by your eyebrows too). If it hurts, it could be from seasonal allergies (preggos are more

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    I'm getting the same thing almost every day for the last week.  Tylonol Tension headache formula has a little caffeine in it which helps.  I like a very cold, wet towel across my eyes at night. I also have this thing:<A href="https://carex.c


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    tylenol and a coffee

    I did this today to kick my three day headache and I feel so much

      Rylan 1/27/2011, 2:42 pm, 5lbs 12oz, 18.5 inches long
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    I'll hold you in my heart until I hold you in heaven

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    tylenol and a coffee

    This. I saw my doc yesterday and mentioned this exact problem. Sh
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    I have been having horrible migraines for the past three days (it's allergy season in Texas!) my doctor told me to take 2 extra strength Tylenol and drink a coke.  I did that yesterday and it worked!  I have also been taking Benadryl at night an
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    I've developed a headache in the middle of the day for the past four days. For me it's always right in between my eyebrows that hurts, and I've been having headaches like that for years. Before I was pregnant I took Excedrin, but now I go Tyleno
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