Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Nanny Help

Does anyone else have a nanny in their home? I am having nanny issues and I wanted to see if these things are normal and I am just overly neurotic or is my nanny super lazy. My nanny does seem to really care for my twin girls and my girls seem to adore her which is why she's still with us. I'd hate to transition my girls to a stranger that they don't know but my nanny is a MESS and I am starting to see huge laziness red flags. Every day I end up cleaning the floors (scrubbing hard food stuck off my floors on my hands and knees because it has sat for the entire day), cleaning all tables for finger prints, putting all books away, cleaning up their play yard, etc. Everything she touches is a wreck as well. There's always food crusted on the doors of the fridge, microwave, countertops. If she takes my girls for a walk, their jackets are thrown on the dining room table. The sunscreen will be out on the kitchen bar. I have taken back the task of doing the girls' laundry and changing their sheets as that was another nightmare. I also prepare all food for them and leave them in marked containers in the fridge as she has made such disasters in my kitchen it's been frightening. All my nanny does is watch the girls in my home and make their bottles. She takes them for 1 walk in the afternoon but refuses to drive the babies anywhere which has been ok with me. I am neurotic with trust issues. She has a good 3 hours to herself each day while the girls are sleeping which I feel is more than enough time to take care of this stuff.

I am also starting to worry that she only wants them to sit and read or put them in their play yard because she doesn't want to chase them around with their walker toys. I have stressed that they love walking and that I want them to practice. I have talked to her several times about picking up their toys and trying to involve the girls with it. I know they don't understand too much yet but I want them to learn that we clean up together and hopefully one day they will get it. After meals, we clean our hands and face too. However, my girls will have food on their hands and in their hair when I get home. I keep working with them on sign language and they are starting to sign back but I can't get her to follow through with it at the meal times she has with them.

Am I asking too much that someone will proactively work with your babies and pick up after themselves? I know I am a bit of a clean freak but I don't want my babies picking up dirt and putting it in their mouths, etc. If I scrub everything every night, can I not get my home and children back clean as well? Is this normal and I just have to deal until they are in preschool or do I have a really crappy nanny?

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Re: Nanny Help

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    When I was a nanny I did light housekeeping as part of my job responsibilities.  I'd do breakfast/lunch dishes, prepare meals, swap laundry, pick up toys, wash diapers, and do other little things like sweep the kitchen floor or unload the dishwash

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    I totally agree with you on not wanting her to be a housekeeper.  I don't want her worried about cleaning so much and neglecting my twins.  But these are messes the babies (and my nanny a lot) are making during the day.  I wouldn't expect h
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    Sounds like she is definitely not as tidy or clean as you are. I think if it's a real concern you should talk to her. Not talk at her but talk to her and ask her what she thinks. Give her your concerns and let her voice her own. She might give you info yo
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    When I nanny'd it was my responsibility to clean up his toys.  I also cleaned up messes from meals and unloaded/loaded the dishwasher.  I did his laundry (changing his sheets weekly) and vacuumed and swept a few times a week.  She asked


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    I would tell her that she should tidy up a bit, as in clean up the messes she and the kids made, but only when the kids are napping. I would make it clear though because you don't want her go take away time with the kids because she is being extra cautiou
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    We do have a contract and keeping things tidy after the girls and all of these things are in our contract.  I have also talked to her about them as well but nothing has really changed.  I have been thinking now maybe I'm nuts and everyone cle

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    We do have a contract and keeping things tidy after the girls and all of these things are in our contract.  I

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    I have a nanny in the house, and she does similar things to your nanny- throws jackets on the table, leaves toys about, etc.  She also does a terrible job cleaning the bottles- they are left greasy ( I think she just rinses them with water an

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    I would find a new nanny, in the long run it will be better for the entire family.  You have addressed the issues prior with no change.  I doubt it will change if you keep mentioning it.  I went through a similar issue, finally

    Blythe Elizabeth is here March 27,2012
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