Secondary IF

Crinone AFTER Clomid

I'm curious if anyone has experienced taking Cronine AFTER taking Clomid in the same cycle.

I took Clomid CD 37 and have confirmed O with OPK and temping so I'm supposed to start Crinone tonight. I'm just worried if the side effects are exacerbated by taking Clomid. Clomid is pretty rough stuff my sincere sympathies to all who take it and have for many cycles and my ovulation pain this cycle was quite intense. Very painful in fact. I seriously thought I had a higher tolerance for pain than that.

I took Crinone my last cycle and woke up in the middle of the night in excruciating pain for several doses. I'm trepidatious about combing the two.

I know there are so many who suffer with infertility and have tried many more treatments worse than this God bless you and you inspire me to keep going.

Does anyone have any suggestions for getting through or thoughts on what to expect?

Thank you!
baby dust to all



Don't hump it, Love it! 

Happily married since Feb 2010, Sweet DD born Oct 2010, 39 years old, blocked tube, low . 09 AMH and high 21 FSH

It's not him, it's me!

September 2013 failed IUI - left blocked tube

November 2013 IVF - premature ovulation converted to IUI 

December 2013 "We were <are> on a break!!!" ~ Friends homage


November 2013 protocol: Menopur, Gonal-f RFF Pen 900, Ganirelix 250mcg, baby Asprin, Gonal-f RFF Pen 300, Z Pak, Novarel, Progestrone in Sesame Oil


Re: Crinone AFTER Clomid

  • I can relate!  I took clomid and crinone last month.  Like you, I also get side effects from clomid...painful ovulation, hot flashes, moody, bloating, ect.  I also had a ton of side effects from the crinone...tired, moody, bloating, head

  • I had clomed once and it didn't work for us and Was. Tryin. Green tea
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