Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Swim lessons

Just curious how many of you have your lo's in swim lessons already? 

We have a boat and spend alot of time in the summer at the lakes.  I definitely want to put my daughter in swim lessons sometimes...I'm just debating if now is too early? 

What are your thoughts?

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Re: Swim lessons

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    We are in swim lessons now. Our community allows the babies to start as early as 6 months.
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    Our local Y runs mom and tot classes, so we are going in July during their summer session. I was a lifeguard and a swimmer, and I don't think it's ever too early to introduce kids to that environment, especially if you have a boat and will be around the w
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    We plan to start this summer (around 15 months old). We are also on the water a lot. At this age, for us, it's just about getting him used to the water...and for something fun to do together!  Go for it:)
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    I do not think it is too early.  I tried signing DS up, but the only time that was not full was mon & we'd 6:30-7pm.  That is ridiculously late since DS is usually going to bed at that time.  Next session hopefully we can get a bette

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    Thank you all!  I'll be signing us up for the mom and baby classes at our Y:) 
    So happy for my BFPB Steff13914 and her new twins! Welcome to the world sweet babies:) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Our community center starts them at 6 months, so we took ds to the Jan/Feb session.
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    We go to the Y a couple days a week to swim. I will do the swim lessons in the summer.

    I heard the beginner ones are just to get the babies acclimated to the water. DD loves the water and has no trouble with that. I want her to get more use out

    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
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    I've been taking dd to swim lessons since she was 10 weeks. Yes, weeks :)
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    Just as an FYI most places don't do real swim lessons with babies. There is one company so you will want to look around. Most classes are mommy and me and just get your child use to the water
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    I'll add my experience, now that we are almost done with the class. It's a parent/tot class, and there are different levels of kids, all in the same "baby" class. Some are just getting used to the water, and clinging on to the parents, but some kids ar

    For my little man...I only knew you in my heart. D&C 3/1/11 EDD 9/8/11 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    my LO started lessons last week and it is going good, she is in a parent/child class and is the youngest by far, but we get what we can out of it.  just don't expect too much at this age...
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    Just as an FYI most places don't do real swim lessons with babies. There is one company so you will want to look aroun


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    DS was 13m but I would have liked to have started him earlier. His friend started with him at 7m. The place we swim starts babies at 4m. it's just a matter of getting them use to the water and not be afraid. Now there are what they call survival swim clas
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