Babies: 9 - 12 Months

tell me about your LOs first word....

So tell me.....when did your little ones start babbling and when did they actually start talking?

When did they say their first word and what word was it?

Mostly, I'm getting super anxious for this and would love to see an average month, but I'm also a bit concerned (i know all babies develop at different rates) but at my LOs 6mo checkup, doc acted really surprised he wasn't babbling and said if he still wasn't by 9mo check up, we'll "look into it". So, 8mo now and we make lots of noises, but not really babbling....unless taking his hand or toy and hitting it against mouth to make the "ah, ah, ah" ----like a tribal indian noise counts.

One more question, if babies seem more advanced in one area (ex: gross motor skills) would that maybe lead to a slower development in other areas?

Thanks mamas!!! 

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Re: tell me about your LOs first word....

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    sam19sam19 member
    My LO started saying "mama" to me at about 9 months. No other words though but she babbles a ton.
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    DD started babbling around the time she was 8 months old.  She wasn't doing it at all and then one day started doing it up a storm.  I'm sure it's right around the corner for you.  I was worried about it at my 6 month appointment, but my

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    I'm pretty sure LO now says Mama, Dada, & Nana discriminately but I wonder because he also babbles those sounds at other times.  He was barely babbling at 6mo.  He started saying "buh buh" and waving in the last week.  He'll be 11 mo

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    My LO started saying "mama" to me at about 9 months. No other words though but she babbles a ton.
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    My kid yelled "Butt!" around 9 months.  Aside from that he just babbled.  He's 19 months now and still mos

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    DS says things like dada and up. He does a lot of babbling and really likes to growl. But he is a bit delayed in his gross motor he doesnt really crawl he rolls and scoots bout and he doesnt properly sit yet. It does seem that hes excelling in one are and
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    My LO started babbling at around 6 months. Now at 10 months the only word he says is more (mo) and only occasionally.
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    DD started babbling at 6 mo. She said mama right after (and meant it). Her 2nd word came around 8 mo - "gimme". Now she added "buh" (as in bye) with a wave.
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    i love the first words ladies....and thank you for the encouragement for the patience that seems sooo hard to find sometimes. Bubs actually said "mama" tonight....not sure he knew it, pry doesn't know what it means, but I was loving it!! We'll see if he m
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    Benny said mama and dada a while ago maybe 7 months and around 10-11 months had said kitty, bye bye, and yogurt (I know weird, he said it 3 times) and has said kitty and bye bye since. 

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