October 2012 Moms


I don't know if this is the 6 month growth spurt, she has been eating more now that I think of it, or what but O has been getting up in the motn and stays up for 2 hours! She thinks its time to get up for the day apparently. I started sleep training which was working and still is, she puts herself to sleep without fussing, but she is definitely not sttn, which I thought sleep training was supposed to help. And it doesn't help that I'm super stressed out so I don't end up falling asleep til like 11 or 12. My husband and I rotate nights but the other usually ends up coming in for back up the last half hour. Plus while she's up with mu husband fussing, I usually hear her and am up anyway. Any advice or is anyone else going through this? I'm hoping its just a phase or teething or something. There has to be an end in sight! Thanks for letting me vent :]

ETA I also moved up her bedtime from between 830 and 10 to between 7 and 8. Which has also made her sleep later in the mornings. But that could also be because she's up for 2 hours in the motn.
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Re: Exhausted!

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