Babies: 6 - 9 Months

Almost 9 months and barely eats

Hello all - 

My son will be 9 months tomorrow. Every now and then I can get him to eat baby food but its rare. Everyone is telling me to make him eat, but i feel so bad when he is fussy and wont take it. he knows how to eat off a spoon but just doesnt like it. Sometimes, I would give him finger food... sometimes he eats it but most times he just holds it in his hand forever. he takes his formula fine, though. I do, most times, put rice cereal or oatmeal in his bottles. any ideas what to do?

Re: Almost 9 months and barely eats

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    I have found that my son doesn't like anything new at first, but if I keep working with him he eventually gets the hang of it.  At almost 9 months old, I would think he really should be eating a decent amount of solids several times a day.  I wo
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    Did you start putting the rice/oatmeal in his bottles BECAUSE he's not taking in much for solids or were you doing that anyway?  It sounds like he's not hungry so I'd really not do the rice in the bottle unless it's for reflux.
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    What you described sounds exactly like my older DS when he was an infant.  He never did end up eating purees and we eventually went to baby led weaning.  He was a healthy weight, a chunky round little guy so I tried not to worry.  FWIW,

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    What you described sounds exactly like my older DS when he was an infant.  He never did end up eating purees and

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    For some kids it just takes time. At this age all their nutritional requirements come from breastmilk or formula.  Food is for learning.  He's telling you he is not ready and that is ok. Keep trying different things but don't stress. &
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    Don't force it.  Hopefully soon he will take interest in your foods.  Let him try what you eat.  Keep him close by while you eat your meals/snacks. 
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