Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Is Amoxicillin safe for 10 month old??

My little guy tested positive for strep this morning :(  the doc prescribed Amoxicillin.  Have any of your LO's ever taken it?  Did they have any reactions?  Everything I'm reading online is freaking me out...

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Re: Is Amoxicillin safe for 10 month old??

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    DS has been on it twice for ear infections.  No reactions.

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    As long as they don't have an allergy, yes it is fine for a 10 month old. DS took it for the first time at like 4 months.
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    It should be fine, if it was not then your doc would not have prescribed it. My DS has had it a few times for ear infections and he was just fine. If your little one has not had it just watch for an allergic reaction.
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    DS was on it for 10 days around 10 months old for strep.  He was fine, no reactions or issues.
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    My little ones have been on it plenty of times. Some say it causes loose stools, so watch for possible rash. 
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    We've taken it with no issues.
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    thanks everyone!
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    What are you possibly googling that is freaking you out about amoxicilin?

    It's the standard antibiotic t

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    DS was prescribed this and as it turns out he is allergic.  He broke out in hives and a really bad rash.  This kind of reaction is a standard first time exposure reaction, if a child is allergic.  Chances are your child will be fine, but if
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    DD took it at 9 or 10 months for a double ear infection.  Zero problems.  


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    DS was prescribed this and as it turns out he is allergic.nbsp; He broke out in hives and a really bad rash.nbsp; This k
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    DS was prescribed this and as it turns out he is allergic.  He broke out in hives and a really bad rash. 

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