Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Rolling over laziness?

LO has been rolling over both ways for a while now.  But last night he rolled over onto his belly while he was sleeping and woke up screaming with his face planted into the mattress.

So, DH and I were talking this morning and we realized that, now that he's pretty close to sitting up on his own, we almost always play with him or put him on the floor in a sitting position.... and we wonder if this is making him "lazy" when it comes to rolling over.  He was always good going back to belly but always a bit lazy going back the other way.

Anyone else have a similar challenge?  I guess we need to go back to spending more time with him laying down?

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Re: Rolling over laziness?

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    My son was like this.  He was good at going back to belly but not vice versa.  He didn't do it consistenly until a few weeks AFTER he was crawling which happened at 7 months.  In fact, I felt terrible sleep training because I felt l

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