January 2013 Moms

wow STTN

yay! my 3month old DD STTN 2 nights in a row for 9.5 hours about 2 weeks ago and I was so excited, but then we traveled to visit family and she went back to waking once in the night and was sleeping terrible and not to mention she was coming into the 12 week wonder week. well I think it is now at an end yay! so night before last night she slept for almost 11hour but still woke once to feed. Last night she woke at 3 am and i got up to make a bottle and as I walked to her room she stopped so I stood there and waited about 5 mins, nothing quite as could be. She went back to sleep. well I woke at 7 am and she usually is up by 6-6:30am, it is now 7:08am and she is still sleeping (yes she is alive I checked lol) so she has been sleeping for 11 hours now but also didn't really wake and feed. I cant believe it. Not only is she sleeping even better at night she is also for her naps. She used to be a 20-45min napper and took 4-5 naps a day. Since Monday she has been taking longer naps, any where between 50mins -3hours. I have had to go in a few times at the 45min mark and help her go back to sleep, but she is going back to sleep , were as before she would not. Its been a complete 180' this week. I thought I would just share because I am just so happyParty!!!

Leave your story here about sleep improvement with your LO. I would love to here them.

Re: wow STTN

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    I posted above. Congrats!!!
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    Yeah and I was excited about 5 hrs :)
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    DD has been STTN since she was 5.5 weeks. She usually goes down around 10pm, and used to wake about 4 am for a feeding, but now she sleeps until at least 6 or 7. Sometimes I have to wake her up to leave the house in the mornings. It's been a bless

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    Yay!!! Doesn't that feel good! Mine just started 6 hour stretches and I'm loving it!
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