I got a call on Monday asking if I could come talk with the interviewers again yesterday, so I went - we chatted for about 10 minutes and then I was on my way again.
I got the call this morning offering me the position! I'm super excited. I don't have a start date yet, but I go to pick up my offer package and have a drug test tomorrow afternoon.
I also got my "mommy mobile" on Sunday. We bought my MIL's 2006 Honda CRV, and I'm in love already.
We heard from our adoption agency yesterday - they received our homestudy materials and let us know they were just missing one picture, so I emailed that to her yesterday. There are 2 other couples in the beginning of their homestudy process right now, so we will have our seminar scheduled soon - probably in May, because they have 3 placements happening this month and the director has a week of vacation scheduled as well. So things are starting to move forward on that front, as well!
I have about 5.5 weeks until I graduate, which is completely surreal to me, but I'm so looking forward to being done with school - I only have a few projects left to complete along with my weekly discussions!
Finally, biomaj5 is coming to see me on Friday, and I can't wait for her visit! It's been too long since we've seen each other in person, even though we talk almost every day.
Re: I got the job! (and other life news)
And I love my crv. It fits everything!
Good for you
Formerly buttercupaug 06 - and I was almost silver
Aug 16, 2013 - SA done - All good strong numbers
Apr 3, 2014 - Consult with OBGYN to get my testing started.
Mar 6, 2014 - Surprise BFP!!!! EDD Nov 9th. Consult with OBGYN changed to prenatal meet and greet!
May 2, 2014 - NT scan perfect! Can't wait to find out what team we're on.
June 11, 2014 - it's official, we're TEAM PINK!!!
Welcome Piper Laine!! November 10, 2014
BFP #1 5.26.08 DD born 1.4.09
BFP #2 3.11.12 m/c 3.26.12
BFP #3 10.7.12 m/c 10.27.12
BFP #4 2.24.13 ectopic MTX 3.13.13 Right tube removed 3.29.13
BFP #5 5.27.13 DS born 1.22.14
BFP #6 4.14.16
R&K married 4.15.11. TTC #1 since 7.11.12
BFP #1 9.9.12 EDD 5.21.13 c/p 9.12.12 at 4 weeks 1 day
BFP #2 10.15.12 EDD 6.28.13 c/p 10.19.12 at 4 weeks.
BFP #3 1.19.13 EDD 10.1.13 Eleanor born 10.7.13 at 40 weeks 6 days
13dpo hcg@32, progesterone@13.7, 15dpo hcg@110, 16dpo progesterone@25.9
My blog:Urban Times in Michigan ~ My Bfp Chart