January 2013 Moms

Daycare BM feeding schedule

I'm sure this has been asked before, so I apologize if this is a repeat post: I go back to work Monday. How many bottles and how many ounces of breast milk each are you guys sending? Is your LO eating more or less than you expected while you're away? I found out my DCP cannot store frozen bags as a back up. I've been stressing over this, and I know it will be fine. I think it's just the fact that someone else will be taking over his care and that's kind of scary. I don't want him to be over fed, but of course I want him to have enough.
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Re: Daycare BM feeding schedule

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    LO started daycare this past Monday. She is eating less than when at home. She normally takes 4 to 5oz but at daycare she has only been taking 4oz. The first day she also didn't eat as often as she does at home but that seems to have evened out. The 1s
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    That's odd that they won't store any extra...our DCP requires at least 1 full day's worth be stored in addition to what we bring with us.

    with that being said...DS typically eats about 15 ozs in the 12 hours i'm away. I was doing 3 oz bottles
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    Thanks ladies. I am definitely planning to send an extra bottle, which won't be hard. And we can use it the next day if he doesn't take it. I've actually given him bottles during daycare hours this week and pumped at the times I will pump at work. I've se
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