January 2013 Moms


I'm having a hard time putting Kendall into her own bed. During naps, she'll start getting drowsy on me and when I go to put her in her own bed within 10 minutes she's screaming. The only "good" naps she gets is on me.  At night it's about the same, except I usually can get her into her own bed from 8pm-12am.She does wake up a lot but I just rock her RNP a little and she'll fall back asleep.Typically though, sleeping with access to the breast for comfort nursing is how she'd prefer it.   Anyone dealing with this or have any recommendations? I personally don't like the CIO methods.

Kendall, 1/1/13
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Re: Sleeping

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    Do you swaddle this is the only way we can get our LO to sleep for any length of time. I'm not a fan of CIO at this age either. Also white noise is really comforting to her.
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    I use the swing for naps. Have you tried the crib at night? Dd sleeps better there than the rnp. I put her on a wedge.
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    For both naps and bedtime I let him fall to sleep on me and once he's really out I lay him down. He naps in his crib and sleeps in the pnp at night in our room. I also swaddle him before putting him to sleep.
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    My DS sleeps in his crib at night, but naps in the crib are still close to impossible. TBH, that's a battle I'm not willing to fight yet. He'll either nap on me or his swing. If we're out and about, he naps in his carseat. He's just starting to sleep bett
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    During naps, she'll start getting drowsy on me and when I go to put her in her own bed within 10 minutes she's scre
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    imagethis decaf life:


    Kendall, 1/1/13
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    For both naps and bedtime I let him fall to sleep on me and once he's really out I lay him down. He naps in his c

    Kendall, 1/1/13
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           I am convinced that coffee is God's gift to mothers.

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    **  DD-5.30.11 ** DS-1.15.13 ** #3 EDD - 9.4.14 ** 

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