January 2013 Moms

This morning's mommy guilt.

So last night we got our Snuggabunny swing delivered, set it up, and put DS in it. He LOVES it. Wound up falling asleep in it. We didn't have the heart to wake him, so we let him sleep there, and i figured i would just move him to his bed when he woke up for a feeding. But he never did.. He slept 10 straight hours. Now while part of me is leaping for joy at this new discovery, the obsessively-second-guessing mommy part of is worried that he slept so long with out eating. It just seems extreme. When he did wake up he woke up SCREAMING and powered down six ounces. :/ I didn't think i needed to set an alarm because i never have before. The longest he has ever slept is 8 hours and that was once. Normally it's 5 or 6 if he is REALLY tired..

7/5/11 MC at 8 weeks. 5/17/12 BFP, twins EDD 1/20/13! 6/20/12 Baby B's heart has stopped beating. 8/31/12 Baby A is a boy! And is perfectly healthy and thriving. 1/19/2013 emergency c-section, Thoren is perfect. 3/1/2013 told i will never be able to conceive again. 12/16/13 told they were wrong! 

Re: This morning's mommy guilt.

  • Don't worry about him sleeping 10 hours. DD sleeps 10-12 almost every night. Do what works for you.
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  • He'll wake if he's hungry.... I'm SO jealous of your sleep!!!
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  • Enjoy, DD had been sleeping 10 hours for about 10 days but the last 2 she has slept almost 12, yay!
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  • totally ok!! my baby has slept 9-12 hours for a couple weeks now. we have the snuggabunny swing too! so adorable & the only way ds naps. 
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  • There's nothing to worry about.  Babies won't let themselves starve (unless there's some sort of extenuating circumstance, I'm talking about normal, healthy babies).  That is a long stretch so I'm not surprised he was hungry when he woke up, but
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  • Enjoy the sleep, he would have woken up if he was hungry! And lots of ladies let their LO's sleep in a swing...sometimes it's the only thing LO will sleep in. Don't feel guilty!

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    BFP #3: EDD 1/10/13 **DS born 12/30/12!!!**
    BFP #2: MC 7/2/11 @ 12 weeks
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    BFP #1: MMC discovered on 12/6/10



  • Jealous! My first was sleeping 10 hours at 8 weeks. I definitely didn't wake her. This one...not so much. I am tempted to try putting him in the swing one night just to see how long he will sleep. Like you, it's typically only 4-5 hours before he wants to
    nataliepic350 photo nataliepic350.jpg photo 099_zps0c6fc5c8.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Enjoy it! We have that swing and DD loves it too.

    BabyFruit Ticker

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  • My daughter slept from 8:30 last night until 7 am this morning.  I kind of felt guilty too but she probably just needed it since we were running around yesterday.  We have the same swing also.  We call it the babysitter :)
  • I am so jealous of you all who have LOs who sleep. I'm lucky if I get 3 hrs straight
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    It takes a special amount of bitch to induce menstruation in another person. - LovelyRitaMeterMaid

    Rap Roller
  • Don't feel bad at all! 10 hours for overnight sleeping is not unheard of at this point and it is normal for them to wake up ready to do some serious eating. Enjoy the swing and the fact that he loves it! Our Snuggabunny swing has been a serious lifesaver
  • Jealous. DS is giving us 6 hout stretches the past few nights..but nothing more than that yet!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageLaurelBee:
    I am so jealous of you all who have LOs who sleep. I'm lucky if I get 3 hrs straight


  • i wouldnt be to concerned about him sleeping that long. if he is healthy and gaining weight alright that should be fine. enjoy the sleep!!!! you deserve it!
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  • imageCocoR04:
    He'll wake if he's hungry.... I'm SO jealous of your sleep!!!

    Me too! 


  • imagesbevmc09:
    There's nothing to worry about.nbsp; Babies won't let themselves starve unless there's some sort of extenuating circumsta
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