January 2013 Moms


My LO who has been sleeping through the night consistently has reverted back to sleeping in 3 to 4 hour spurts. He wouldn't nap during the day and right now he is not going immediately back to sleep. I am just super frustrated and tired. He only seems to do this when I have stuff going on the next day I.e work or a dr's appointment I swear.
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Re: Argh

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    I'm sure it's just a little phase but I would be totally frustrated too. Good luck!
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    I think it might be a growth spurt since he seems torn between wanting to eat or talk and then he's sleepy about every hour. I tried the paci cuz he kept attempting to suck on his hands but no luck! I hope this is over quickly.
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    Those little regressions are really hard.  It'll happen off and on for a long time.  DS even has times when he doesn't sleep as well as usual.  You will get through it though!  Hopefully it passes quickly! 

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    Hope you get some sleep soon!

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