Special Needs

Brag Thursday for me

Our private PT sessions are on Thursday so by the time Weds rolls around I never remember.


Today at PT DS1 was UP!!! He was standing and taking steps.  The PT was helping him balance just by counteracting his muscles but he was taking the steps!!!!


I almost cried.  They told us he would struggle to get past rolling over because of his associated movement and that we shouldn't expect much from him physically.  When he finally learned to sit they said that was probably the best he had in him.


And then he turned around and reciprocally crawled out of the living room.  And then he started knee walking.    I can say with 100% certainty that he will walk.  And after today I think it's a lot closer than I let myself hope for. 

To my boys:  I will love you for you Not for what you have done or what you will become I will love you for you I will give you the love The love that you never knew

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