Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Teething question - do they get better or worst?

After 8.5 months, DS finally had 2 bottom teeth pop out.  I was ready for all sorts of teething pain, but it happened without us even noticing - no additional drooling, no uncomfortableness, etc.  Needless to say, I was super happy about that.  Then I was talking to a few friends over the weekend, and they told me that their babies also didn't have any problems with teething on the bottom teeth, but had a very tough time with the top ones.  One is over a year old now and still experiencing signficant pains. 

What has your experience been like?  Obviously every baby is different and I'll have to deal with it as it comes, but I'm just curious.

Re: Teething question - do they get better or worst?

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    Our LO has 5 teeth and everytime one comes in it is awful. He is up all night screaming, droils and bites everything (including me), droil rash, suppressed appetite and we've brought him to the doctor a few times thinking he has ear infections, but it is
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    With both my kids the first 2 were bad and then the next 6 were ok.  Still cranky but less so and for a shorter period of time.

    Then the molars happen and ::shudder::

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    Knock on wood but my son has two bottoms and three tops (soon to be four tops) and has never had teething symptoms except maybe a few extra snuggles. I was dreading the top teeth and he breezed right through them, thank you sweet baby Jesus. He even go

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    The first bottom two were a piece of cake compared to the top.

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    All were bad but the last one took longer which made it more miserable.  I hope it gets better but I think every child is different and so are the teeth.  We have the 5th coming in so I am just waiting for the crankiness and sleepless nights.
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    I guess it depends on the baby.  LO's first 2 teeth came in at 4 1/2 months and now she has her 7th popping through.  The first 2 she was drooling all over the place with little to no pain.  Now that we're on the 7th there's no drooling but
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    Both bottom and then both top came in at the same time, since then we've had only one at a time. For all of them, he might be a bit fussier during the day, but still sleeps through the night, so I'm happy enough with that. Mostly noticing that he seems to
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