
Chicken Pox Vaccine 60 days befor cycle?

Possibly my first bump in the road, pun intended.

Supposed to start prepping for an April FET. Today, REs office called to let me know that my bloodwork came back indicating that I am not immune to chicken pox. My level was .9 and I think they look for over a 1 for immunity.

The nurse said my options are to get vaccinated, which will delay FET by minimum of 60 days. Or sign a waiver that I refused vaccine, but keep in mind that if I do get pregnant, and contact chicken pox while pregnant, it could cause birth defects etc...

Wondering if any of you faced this decision and if your clinics test for this.

Obviously a 2 month set back is painful, in IVF years, that can feel like an eternity. but if I have to worry about this for 9 plus months, I might lose it and a healthy baby/pregnancy is my top priority.

Side note, I'm curious why this didn't come up during my first IVF cycle last July. I'll have to ask the office tomorrow what my levels were last year. I did have chicken pox as a kid, very mild case, but it's making me wonder.

Curious if anyone had to make this decision and if they don't mind sharing Thanks!



Me:34 PCOS, one kinked tube, low thyroid.
DH:39 lower than average count.
Married 2006. 3 failed IUIs and countless BFNs.
~IVF#1: July 2012~
7/10 Retrieval: 16r, 14f w/ICSI. 7/15 ET: Transfered 2. 4 frosties.< Poas faint+ 4dp5dt.>
Beta#1 (8dp5dt): 138. Beta#2 (10dp5dt): 355.
u/s#1: (19dp5dt) 8/3/12 one sac, two yolks! Beta 8,000
u/s#2: two strong heartbeats! EDD 4/2/12
Boy/girl fraternal mono/di twins-- lost our sweet baby girl at 22 weeks due to SIUGR
Preterm labor at 23 weeks 4 days, lost our sweet baby boy.

Re: Chicken Pox Vaccine 60 days befor cycle?

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    This came up for me before my FET.  The thing is though, I had chickenpox and I was around my sister and brother who had really bad cases.  I signed the waiver though.  After 5 years of IF, you'd think 2 months wouldn't matter but it did

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    I also had this issue. I found it really weird since I did have chicken pox as a kid and even confirmed it with my mom. After talking it over with DH we decided to move forward 2months was too long! we figured I'm not around children very often at all and
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    Tough call, and of course it's personal, but frankly...our mothers didn't have access to this kind of thing, and adults don't get chicken pox very frequently. Today's world of vaccines is so different...keep in mind that not only did our parents NOT ha

    | Married since 2008 | DH and I: Both 30 | Me: Endometriosis and Carrier of an X-Linked Dominant Genetic Disorder | DH: Low Morph | Planning IVF with PGD and PGS in 2013 | Freeze-All IVF #1: March 2013 ER 3/26. 29R, 12M, 11F. 4 5AA frozen blasts. Freeze-All IVF#2: May 2013 ER 5/15. 31R, 21M, 20F. 6 5AA frozen blasts. Our PGD probe was completed in late June (total of 20 weeks to develop). PGD and PGS Results came on 6/19: 3 healthy embryos (normal chromosomes and unaffected by my family's genetic disorder). FET #1: July 2013 Natural Cycle - Cancelled due to insufficient lining (only got to 7.5mm). FET #1.2: August 2013 - Medicated Cycle with Lupron & Estrogen Patches to build up lining. Single embryo transfer was 8/23. Beta #1: 240! Beta #2: 578! U/S on 9/19 at 6w4d: We saw the heart beating at 131bpm. Second U/S on 10/4 at 8w5d: We saw the heart beating at 178bpm. EDD 5/11/2014
    PAIF/SAIF/Everyone Welcome! 

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