Georgia Babies


Hey ladies, so after reading an article on our lovely 'THE BUMP' I am realizing even more how much i need to begin my prenatal working out. My husband has been on me to start working out before we were even pregnant, and now with our baby growing faster every day, I feel a little disappointed in myself for not starting.

I looked into some recommended areas for prental workouts and fell in loev with a group called OH BABY! They have tons of prentatal and baby plus mom workouts. Yoga, water areobics etc. I am one of those people who needa  workout partner to keep myself encouraged and determined. I was wanting to know if any of you ladies in the Atlanta area have attended or heard anythign about these classes? I knwo they offer a FREE yoga prental class, but the water aerobics I really want to take can be alittle pricey.

I guess I just need advice if I shoudl invest in this or take my chances with encouraging myself at home to workout. Any adivce would be greatly appreciated:)


  • I've done their pregnancy water aerobics and really liked it. It was a surprisingly decent workout and it was fun having an hour to chat with other moms-to-be.
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  • I was able to take advantage of their free yoga prenatal classes. We met Saturday mornings for about 6 weeks. I enjoyed it and would def recommend it. It really helped to relieve some of the weight stress on my body.

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  • I too wish I would have gotten more serious with my workouts b4 getting pregnant, but it is still safe to start. I attend the prenatal combo class and love it. It is so good to be around other Mom's some experienced to chat with and the workout is great f
  • I wld love to try the free class! I see they are all booked for this session. Anyone know when they post for the new one to sign up??
  • I am not sure when the next sessions begin. I do know you need a release form signed and faxed in from your dr to that company befor eyou can begin taking classes there.
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