Secondary IF

Risks out weigh the benefits...

So met with our RE after our cd 3 scan for cysts (small one on the left ovary they are not concerned about and will do another injectable cycle). We asked him if we should re-do the HSG, SA and blood work seeing that the tests are 2 yrs old and he again told us the risks of any more testing out weigh the benefits. Seeing that I had a pregnancy (mc) and have not had any crazy surgeries or injuries to my areas since that the test would come back normal and I would be risking infection. I also then asked about the post coital that you all mentioned and he says there is no medical support that shows CM has any effect on fertility and that even if there was that the IUI which we under go would be the treatment for it anyway so not to torture me when we dont have to. All that to say he upped my dose of Follistim and started my femara today (come on hot flashes). I do feel kinda bad bc the way things are looking its gonna be an Easter IuI...think Ill take them a basket of goodies!

Thanks for your advice last time and here we go again FX!!!


Married 2007 Me 31 DH 30 TTC: 6/2009 IUI #1 Clomid BFP M/C between 7-8th week Sept 2011. IUI #2-3 Clomid BFNs IUI #4 Femara BFN IUI #5 Injectible in 2ww

Re: Risks out weigh the benefits...

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    Hope it all goes well.  Wanted to say the only test that you could do again would be the SA, as that can change without any apparent reason.  If this cycle doesn't work I would insist on an new SA, just to be sure that his numbers are still g

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    DD conceived after 3 years of ttc.
    MFI - DH had varicocele repair and took Clomid to get DD b. 02/2010

    TTC #2 since 6/2010
    10/2012 DH diagnosed with Epilepsy
    A few failed IUIs summer 2012 and 2013. 
    DH taking clomid and waiting to see if he needs another vericocele repair. 
    Hoping for a 2015 baby or babies. 
    Wishing, hoping, waiting.

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickersLilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

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