January 2013 Moms

Scared to leave lo

I know this sounds stupid but I am like terrified to leave lo. Hubby wanted me to go out saturday night with him to a birthday party and I said no because I don't want to leave lo or leave him with anyone.   How do I get over this? 

Plus I go back to work on the 19th.... Idk if I can do it! (Yes I am a ftm, can ya tell?) 

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Re: Scared to leave lo

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    With DD, I has the same problem. However, she was super cranky and colicky. She would scream in anyone's arms but mine, and quite often would scream in mine. She also would not take a bottle. As for DS, I've left him more in his 4 weeks of life than I did in DD's first year. I won't leave him during his witching hour, as no one wants to deal with that, but if he gets hungry while I'm gone I know that he'll at least take a bottle. It gets easier each time you get out, and it's good for you to get away from baby.
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    We wanted a date night so we asked my mom and dad. It helped me knowing she was with someone I trusted. We have only left her that one time but we plan to leave her with MIL and FIL this weekend. Before this I started leaving her with DH for a couple hours at a time to go do things for me. That helped prep me for leaving her with my parents.
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    Leaving him with someone you trust is key. I had a semi hard time with DD but once I just did it I reaize how glorious it was to have some time with just myself or MH and I. DS is havin his first overnight with my MIL this weekends and as nervous as I am, more just missing him then worrying, I am so excited to sleep! Sleep pretty much trumps everything right now lol.

    Also I think its great that my kids get B to spend quailty time with just their grandparents that it makes it eaiser to let them go. Also I trust them!

    I know its hard but at somepoint you just have to do it and trust that everything will be ok. You need alone time for your sanity and honestly its gets harder for them the older they get when you leave them with someone else.
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    It's very hard! The first time, we left DS with my mom because we trusted her.

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    I'm also a FTM and I completely understand. I left DS when he was 4 days old to run to the doc. I had a horrible reaction to the Tdap vaccine and needed to see my doc. He stayed with my sister and I was a nervous wreck the entire 2 hours. Since then I have left him with my mother or MIL for a few hours here and there. It gets easier each time. You have to do it though. It's good for you!
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