Hey Everyone, I don't post often, but am hesitantly asking for honest opinions on this name choice and possible middle names that go with it. My husband and I really like the name Lou for a girl. I think it is a sweet name and I realize its usually just a nickname for Louanne or Louise- but none of those names really appeal to us and I think I would be fine with just Lou as a first name. What do you all think? The other thing is that if Lou is used not as an abbreviated first name, it is usually the middle name - Betty Lou, Mary Lou...so I can't think of a middle name that would go with Lou as a first name. Thanks!!
Re: Lou for a girl?
Lou isn't a girl's name, it's a man's nickname. That's my honest opinion.
It's not sweet, it's not feminine. I think Louisa is a great option. You can call her Lou but she won't be made fun of for having a boy's name.
I agrre with this.
I think Lou is terrible for a girl. Louisa or something like that would be much better.
Edit...spelling is hard today
I know a woman in her 50s and her first name is Lou (not a nickname, it's her full name). And Heidi Klum's daughter (around 5 or years old?) is Lou. I think it's cute. I love love love the name Louisa, so my personal preference would be to use Lou as a nickname for a name like that. But at the same time, I'm fine with Lou as full first name.
ETA: Some middle name ideas would be Christine, Christina, Elizabeth, Nicole, Celeste, Camilla, Joanna, Joanne, Michelle
I love Lou. I think that it can be a stand alone name, however, I'm reluctant to use it as such. Like pps said 'it's an old man's name'. Technically, it's not, but this is how many people perceive it. I like Louise, but there's also Luana, Luella, Lilou and Milou.
Lou Magnolia
Lou Elizabeth
I don't like Lou as a stand alone FN. As others have said - it immediately reminds me of an old man. I know you said you did not like Louanne (agreed!), but I think Louise or Louisa are beautiful names that give you, as her parents, the option of calling her Lou as a NN but still gives her a chance to also have a feminime and more "formal" name as she grows up (if she doesn't want to always go by Lou). Also, when people see the name "Lou [Last Name]" they are going to automtically assume she's male until they meet her. As someone with one of those kinds of names, it gets really old.
As an aside, if you like more male-oriented nicknames, maybe something like Samantha (nn Sam) or Charlotte (nn Charley)?
I actually love it as a nickname, but I also love the name Louise for a girl. My honest opinion is that if she doesn't love it when she gets older, she doesn't have a fall-back formal name to use. However if you are set and love it, go for it... with a great middle name it could work.
I think if you use just Lou, you could do Lou Anne, Lou Ellen, Lou Victoria, Lou Elise, Lou Amelie
I could get on board with this.
Agreed. I think Lu/Lou is an adorable nickname for a girl, but needs something more formal for a full name. And lots of great suggestions other than Luann or Louise/Louisa have been been given in this thread.
My DD name is Mallory Lou, and she is named after both of my grandmothers, Betty Lou and Ella Lou, so her name has very special meaning to me. I have seen Lou being referred to as an "old man name" alot on this board and honestly I have never met a guy name Lou, but it could be because I live in the south, maybe a regional thing?? If you like the name then go for it, I did not let anyones opinion deter my decision.
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