Two Under 2

What do you use: Side by side, or stacked?

From experience- Which do you like better?

DD will be 2 in May, and DS is just under 4 months. I always planned on buying a stacked stroller (once the weather here is nicer) but the other day before a mall trip my mom bought a cheap little side by side umbrella stroller, and it was awesome. Seriously debating now....


Which do you like best? Just looking for what the majority uses, thanks

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Re: What do you use: Side by side, or stacked?

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    I loved my side by side (City Mini) for the 1st year but my oldest with only 13.5 months when my DS was born. 

    Recently we started using a sit n stand (tandem stroller) and I LOVE it! If my DD was older when my 2nd was born I would have just used that from the beginning. I find there are pros and cons to each. The side by side was great no one was kicking anyone else and they couldn't reach each other. But it was hard getting through isles at the mall and stores where there were lots of racks and people. I found a lot of stores are not accommodating to a side by side. The tandem is great because each kid feels like they have their own space and its so much easier to get though isles and stores. But it's harder to push and turn. 

    Overall I'm loving the tandem right now...  

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    I got a side by side (Zooper Tango).  I would have gotten a City Select if it was in my budget.  It was the only tandem I liked.
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    I have the Britax B agile double (side by side) and I LOVE it. DH and I are super tall, and DS1 likes to help push, so I love that the handle is adjustable for both. We go to the mall and it hasn't been a problem in stores. I did a ton of research before I got it, and it's worked out really well for our lifestyle. We also live in a rainy state, so I didn't want either child to be riding in puddles all the time.
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    We have the city mini and love it. It fits through a standard single door.

    I have been able to take it everywhere without problem. I like the side by side because I can reach both kids very easily. If I had a front to back I felt like the front child was too far away. I also liked that t was super easy to push, I can steer it easily with one hand.
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    I had a city mini when I had just one LO. When we got pregnant again, I sold the city mini and went with a B-ready ( stacked). I really enjoy it being one on top of the other, I worry a lot about silly things, and I think if I had a side by side I would over worry about fitting through aisles and into doors. But honestly, the main reason why we went with the B ready is for the fact it can go from a single, to a double, back to a single. So no matter how many more kids we have, and when we have them I don't have to try selling another stroller in a year. I can say I do plan on getting a small double umbrella stroller for trips to the zoo.. but aside from that, the Bready is a great stroller for us, and I am glad we have it.
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    Relieved to see someone (kinda) in my shoes, milesc. My DS will be 15 weeks (6 weeks adjusted) tomorrow and I am 6w2d pregnant. It hasn't sink in was not "planned". Advice?! :)
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    Our double stroller is a side-by-side (Bumbleride Indie Twin). DD1 was only 18 months old when DD2 was born and couldn't be trusted in a sit and stand stroller yet. I wasn't a fan of any of the tandem strollers I tried at the time. They were all too bulky and difficult to push.

    Now that DD1 is 3, she doesn't really need a stroller anymore so we're back to just using a single for DD2.
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    I use a side by side, Mountain Buggy Duet. I'm changing soon for a Mountain Buggy Duo though since it's a bit better. If I could find a stacked that could cope with the terrain where I live I would buy it. DS1 needs access to the stroller when we go for a long walk but not for shorter walks. Sometimes I take DS2 out for a walk when DS1 is in Montessori so it's a pain having a side by side then.

    I just haven't found a stacked stroller that has the features I want and also good enough suspension :( 

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    We have a stacked -- we didn't have a choice because we had an UppaBaby Vista and wanted to get the second seat to go with it.  I like stacked because I feel like I'm taking up less space in crowded places and can fit easier down narrow aisles in the shops at the mall.  Mine has the ability to do a couple different seat combinations so the kids can either face away from each other or be face-to-face.  Haven't tried that yet, but I think it might be nice later on.

    I haven't tried a side-by-side before, though, so take that for what it's worth!  Maybe go to a store and test out pushing both kinds to see which feels better?  Depending on your price point I've heard some are super annoying and awkward.  Our UppaBaby is a dream to push, even with the second seat, but obviously a higher price point.

    Good luck! 

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    I have a City Select (so tandem stadium seating).  What I really love is that I get to choose every time I use it if I need a double or just want a single.  My DD was 26m when DS was born and I bought a City Mini double but I felt like I was pushing the darn thing empty or with only one side in use most of the time. I sold it for the same I had bought it for on cl.

    Right now I almost always use my Select as a single expect that when I DO need a double I have one (like for OB appointments!).  DS will only be 16m when the next LO arrives so I will get a lot more use out of it as a double soon.  Still, when DS wants to walk and I'm cool with it it will be so nice to ditch a seat and just push a single around.  I don't like the actual stacked ones like the Phil and Ted.  Just looks weird to me.

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