Toddlers: 24 Months+

Saying bad words constantly....

DS constantly says bad/ugly words. He will say Shut-Up, Stupid, leave me alone, and will now scream NO and hit and kick.

He has learned all these "ugly" words from kids at Daycare. What do I do about this issue? It seems to be getting worse and I feel like its getting out of control. I've put him in time-out, I've popped his butt, I've taken away bed-time books for saying these ugly words (he loves books) I don't what else to do. He'll say these things and grin. Any advice??????

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Re: Saying bad words constantly....

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    Maybe he likes getting a reaction from you, since he smiles after he says it. Have you tried ignoring the behavior?
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    Yeah and he just keeps saying it.

    He even says it when I'm not around. For example, yesterday he was sitting in the bath room by himself on the potty trying to poop and we had the fan on and the door closed (he says he stinks like daddy lol, he is quite the character) and I could hear him through the door saying "shut-up stupid, shut-up stupid, shut-up stupid over and over again.

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    Yeah and he just keeps saying it. He even says it when I'm not around.

    When my DS is saying or doing something undesirable, I try not to punish unless it could hurt him or someone else. If I just don't like it I usually just respond as plainly and simply as possible. I say something like we don't use those words or we don't do that behavior and then ignore it for a while, then give a gentle reminder again. In this case I would probably talk to his teachers and see how they handle the behavior. Good luck.
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    Thanks, i'll try that.
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    I think it's the age. DS has picked up a bunch of stuff from school which drives me nuts - a recent gem is him calling everyone/thing 'stupid jerk.' We just try to remain consistant, put him in time out, explain that it's not nice etc, and hope it eventually sinks in that he's not to speak like that.
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    My LO went through stages of REALLY bad words. She would drop the F bomb, or say Oh S*** all the time. I am not sure where she got it from, but it was really bad. We started saying words close to them a lot so she could see there are other words to express her frustration or anger like Fudge and Oh Snap. With words like Stupid's hard to control because they hear it from other kids, so we've sat down our LO and told her that those words hurt people's feelings. I get really theatrical when she says them, like I am REALLY sad, and then she feels guilty, and says sorry. It's actually worked wonders. I haven't heard her say them in over a month.

    I think kids are trying to figure out how to voice their frustrations, and sometimes it leads to these naughty words. So you just have to show them other ways to vent. I tell my daughter if she is mad to tell me, so instead of calling other kids or DH and I names or telling us to go away she'll say "mommy I am mad at you. Say sorry!" Which I think is way better!

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