May 2012 Moms

Growing up too fast!

I can't believe that in 5 days my little princess will be 9 months old! I guess it's time to start planning her 1st birthday party. Anyone else feel like the past 9 months have flown by?

Re: Growing up too fast!

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    Ohh yes. Just think thats an entire pregnancy!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I know. Some days I just let him nap on me. I know I shouldn't, but he is just getting so big.
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    My boy will be 10 months on Tuesday! I get emotional thinking about it! And to the previous poster who said they still let their LO sleep on them, I snuggle with DS more often than I probably should haha. I am enjoying it while I can before he doesnt want to cuddle with Mommy anymore !
    BabyFetus Ticker

    Corbin | born 4.19.12
    Baby boy #2 | due 4.13.15
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    I know. Some days I just let him nap on me. I know I shouldn't, but he is just getting so big.

    I still let my two year old sometimes when he will because I miss my baby.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Untitled
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