May 2012 Moms

Fun in the high chair

It's really hard to feed DD in her high chair when all she wants to do is continuously bash the back of her head on it. She even smiles and laughs like it's the greatest thing in the world. It's padded but still somewhat hard so I hope she doesn't hurt herself.

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Re: Fun in the high chair

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    Well she isn't banging her head but DD dose turn the top half of her body around and gets stuck... i need a new high chair LOL
       EDD for #2 is December 8th, 2013, so excited for our 2nd team green baby! 
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    Yes! Brynn just started doing this a few days ago. She flings herself back so hard but she freaking loves it.
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    Yep! Same boat here... We don't like to use the word "no" or use the words that we don't want him to associate with it... (does that make sense? If not, here ya go: "don't HIT YOUR HEAD" "don't TOUCH THAT" etc... It's psychological that they will only listen to part of the sentence, and you don't want to mistake them listening to the wrong part (that I put in caps) so yeah... thats my clarification on that lol).  So, we say "you need to sit still" or "we keep our hands off of that" etc.  It seems to be working very well so far... in most cases, saying it once or twice and he will leave it be...
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    I'm glad to see its not only boys that do this
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    Oh good, something else to look forward to!  

    DD's latest thing is that she discovered how to lick stuff.  And she let me know she had learned this new skill by licking the chair at my doctor's office today.  Ewwwww......

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    ava thinks this is a fun game as well. it cracks me up
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