May 2012 Moms

My big boy aw

So not about lo but still I'm excited and need to share!!

My 27 month old is doing great potty training!! He's gone two days with only pooping once in his pull up, AND today he's been in the same pull up since 8am!! Even after a two hour shopping trip he was dry. He has asked to go twice today and went! I'm so excited its going so well. That's all I just had to share with other mommas.
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Re: My big boy aw

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    Light at the end of the tunnel!!  LOL that's great. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Yay for big boys!

                                                                DS #1 born 05/25/2012   
                                                         BFP#2:  06/12/2013 ---- loss
                                                                DS #2 born 4/08/2014
          BPF#4: 2/1/2016 --- 2/23/2016 suspected molar pregnancy--- 3/15/2016 D&E - diagnosis MM
                                                                   BFP#5 - 9/22/2016
                                                                                                                                     * formally bornmommy

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    I just totally read this wrong and thought you were talking about your May baby.

    I almost had a panic attack thinking, "holy sh!t, I am WAY behind!"

    Congrats on DS's success!!! 


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    That's awesome!
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