This is our top boy name right now. His MN will be Joshua so he can always go by EJ if he wants to. I can tell already that I'll be calling him "Em" though. I think moms get a bit of a free pass when it comes to cutesy (or in this case, girly) nicknames.
Re: Emmett?
#2 - EDD Nov. 15, '14
Not all names need a NN. I'd call him Emmett.
I also think that NN are best when they come organically and not planned. Sometimes it just seems forced. This would be one of those cases.
I agree. I like Emmett on his own. If his friends or family end up calling him a NN down the line, cool. Otherwise, it is NBD not to have a nickname.
haha that's what I was thinking!!!
Emma Kate - born 10.16.03 @ 29 weeks, weighed 1lb 13oz and 13.5" long.
TTC #3