December 2012 Moms


Today my LO turns two months old, time is flying by so fast, and we have our well baby appt for Thursday which includes his first round of vaccines. So I was wondering from any stm or anyones whose already gone through this if there is anything I need to do to make it more comfortable for him, as well as how your guys babies acted after receiving them. 

On a side note I feel terrible for having to do this to him and the guilt is killing me. The sensible side of me knows that its best for his health, but the emotional side of me is like your letting someone hurt your baby,and I cry just thinking about it. I know I'm most likely going to bawl as soon as he starts to cry thank god DH is going too.  

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Re: Shots

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    I nursed her as she got her injection and she gave one whimper, then went right back to nursing. She only got the one b/c we're doing the alt schedule.

    She had a teensy bit of an elevated temp that night, but otherwise no reaction. I have my fingers crossed that they're all that easy.
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    I'm curious about the responses for this too, but I wanted to encourage you about the pain part. 

    If you are breast feeding, do so while he gets his shots. The combination of sucking, closeness to you and the milk will lessen  his sensation of pain and help him soothe easier. If you're not BFing, have the nurse give him 2mls of sugar water and give him a binkie while you hold him close. Don't worry about him associating you or feeding with the pain - he won't, he'll just know that something pinched him for a Sec, but everything was OK because momma was right there! 

    Also remember that he'll sense your nervousness and that will make him nervous. So try to think calm, happy thoughts and it'll be over super quick.

    Ive given lots and lots of pokes and it's always harder on mom (and me!) than the babies.  

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    It only lasts a few seconds, no worries. Wink It was horrible at first with LO1, but got way easier as time went on. Also, LO gets a little older, you can give a little bit of Tylenol or Ibuprofen 45mins before the appt if you are worried about swelling, a knot, fever, pain, etc from the injection. LO1 hasn't had much of a reaction to any of her shots, though.
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    The good thing is, getting shots at this age, they won't remember it for long. :P The temporary pain/discomfort from the shots is much better than the guilt you would feel if he didn't get vaccinated and got a life threatening illness that could have been prevented from the shots. LO has had several medical procedures since birth, all of which required him getting an IV for one reason or another, and none of the nurses have ever gotten him in less than 3 sticks. So he's a little pissed for a while, won't let anyone touch his feet for a few days, then he forgets all about it. Vaccinations are a "necessary evil" to protect his health.

    Also, don't give him Tylenol before or after the shots, unless your pedi tells you to. A lot of moms will give Tylenol for a low grade fever (100 degrees) if it develops after shots (or before, to prevent a fever). This has been medically researched and proven to dampen immune response. Babies rarely develop a high grade fever from the shots, the low grade fever actually improves the immune response to the vaccination. Make sure you discuss when/what situations to give Tylenol/ibuprofen to your baby after the shots.

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    Just went this morning. She cried for a few mins-actually wailed for a few mins but I held her and she calmed down. She has been sleeping ever since. We are only a few hours out so not sure about reactions yet. It's done in the thigh so it is a meatier area.



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