September 2012 Moms


K has officially outgrown the bouncy seat.  Boo.  I am trying to figure out where to put her while I shower.  Where is your LO hanging out these days?
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Re: showering

  • LO hangs out on his activity mat a lot and in his jumperoo or exersaucer.  I've been showering while LO naps in his crib.  Would she mind hanging out in her crib for a bit while you showered?
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  • Activity mat or doorway jumper.


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  • imagecmumama:
    LO hangs out on his activity mat a lot and in his jumperoo or exersaucer.  I've been showering while LO naps in his crib.  Would she mind hanging out in her crib for a bit while you showered?

    She's probably be fine in the crib but I would feel like I had to rush.  Hot showers are so relaxing and it's easy to keep her where I can see her.

     and also- holy huge siggy pic!  How do I make it smaller??

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I brought my exersaucer upstairs and he hangs out in that while I shower. Sometimes I bring the Bumbo in the bathroom too.
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  •  Swing or crib (while DD is napping) but I totally agree about rushing. I always hear her crying even if she isn't. Otherwise I bring the exersaucer in so I can keep an eye on her.

     She usually just stares at me while I'm in there. I'm hoping it's because we usually bring her in the shower with us instead of giving her a full out bath. Either that or she is freaked out by my PP body...

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  • I shower before she wakes up.
    "Mommy, HELP ME!"

    Lilypie - (P7p7)
  • I've run into this problem recently as well. I have tried the bumbo but he gets bored quickly because he tosses all his toys off the tray. So now I've just laid down a big blanket in the walk in closet which is attached to the bathroom and put toys down and he plays there.

  • Excellent post we are coming up on the same problem!

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  • Quilt on the floor with a few soft toys.
    the bug & bee blog
    (read it. you know you want to.)
    anderson . september 2008
    vivian . february 2010
    mabel . august 2012
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  • imageSteph+J:
    This probably doesn't help, but I just shower before she wakes up in the morning :) On the weekend, if H isn't around or he's busy, I'll just shower while Lo naps.  I've never brought her into the bathroom with me, though, so I can't offer too much help with that.

    This. I shower when she sleeps.


    Emilia Antoinette
    10.03.12 at 41w5d Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • exersaucer he doesn't even notice im gone and i often take a longer shower..
    Sept 2012 baby boy
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  • What is a shower?
    I totally forgot for a while.

    I only shower when Gorgeous George is around.
    I feel the need to entertain my kid if he's in there.


    Mom to boy H - born September, 2012 and girl Z - born 2005. Wife to Gorgeous George. Slave to the man.

  • imagekatebyblow:
    What is a shower? I totally forgot for a while. I only shower when Gorgeous George is around. I feel the need to entertain my kid if he's in there.



    Emilia Antoinette
    10.03.12 at 41w5d Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • DS is still in his swing mostly. If not, he's in the PNP that's in my room close to the bathroom.

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  • Usually I just shower in the evenings when DH is home from work--I figure it lets them have daddy-daughter time.  Sometimes I even get a bath...heaven.

    Having her in the room with me doesn't do much good from the "keep her entertained" perspective--she knows I'm right there and get ticked when I'm not picking her up when she gets bored.  So I usually shower during one of her naps if DH is going to be gone a couple days.  

    And...if she ends up crying, she ends up crying.  Sometimes it happens. 

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  • With DS1, I'd put him in his crib and let him kick and play in there. Now, I usually only shower when DH is around. He watches both boys. I have had some very awkward shower times. Lol
  • imageUnem:

    What is a shower?
    I totally forgot for a while.

    I only shower when Gorgeous George is around.
    I feel the need to entertain my kid if he's in there


    Yep, ILY.


    Mom to boy H - born September, 2012 and girl Z - born 2005. Wife to Gorgeous George. Slave to the man.

  • I second the Bumbo seat! He sits awesome in there! Good luck
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