April 2013 Moms

Who could be my daughters dad

I know a lot are reading this thinking wth. Please don't judge. I was working at a strip club in july for fast money and I had a regular who would come in and I would drink with him and his sister, but one day I over did it and didn't remember what happened and my Downtown area was swollen, and I freaked out and called my boyfriend. He tried to get me to get a rape kit done and I refused to do it because I didn't want to look like an idiot at the er. Stupid decision but then my customer came back a month later to tell me we had sex
I had my period on july 1315th not sure when it started because according to my due date it started on the 15th and I remember it starting the 13th
The rape was July 17 at midnight going on the 18th
my cycle is between 2830 days long
I was with my boyfriend july 2629th
and my doctor says that I conceived on the 28th and that it's almost impossible for the other guy to have been the one who got me pregnant because my baby has always measured the same conception july 28th Only once 3 days off
what do you think are the chances it's the other guys?

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