October 2011 Moms


What's the stats for another Dietbet? I know you mentioned a smaller group, would we be able to include our friends in the group as well? Or just Oct 2011 moms? I had like five friends join the first one you started, and may want to do another. I know the more people on the group, e more likely that some will drop out or not make their 4%, giving the winners of the group more of the pot money when it is divided up. 
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Re: *Dlast*

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    I just made a post above about this. Suppose I should read down to see if I was paged. There is one going on, set up by a Marchie mom, friend of a friend. So it will be family and friends, invite who you want. But it is invite only ;) PM me if you want an invite. I just need your email. 
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    My little CHD warrior. Born 9/29/11. Got his new heart 10/20/11

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