
Our application is in the mail!

I have been lurking a lot lately but not posting much since I'm usually on my phone. I've missed 'talking' with my adoption ladies, so here's an update on me. :

We sent in our initial application to the agency this afternoon. We sent it priority mail so they should receive it tomorrow. We're so excited, and a little nervous, lol.

We have received several monetary gifts for our adoption in the past month, including an anonymous cash gift of 1100 delivered to our front door by a stranger who had been asked to give it to us. An amazing blessing, and one more 'sign' from God that we're following His plan for us. We love these affirmations! We also got a few gifts for the baby from our immediate families at Christmas, which is so sweet they are just as excited as we are about the journey we've just begun.

Happy New Year, here's hoping many of us become parents in 2013!

Re: Our application is in the mail!

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    So exciting Gnome!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers
    Application approved Dec '11
    Mar '12: Homestudy interrupted by change in Uganda requirements - where do we go from here?
    After searching and searching, back with Uganda but with our homestudy agency's program.
    Homestudy complete July 19
    USCIS I-600A submitted July 20. Biometrics appointments arrived Aug 17; fingerprinted Aug 21; 171H received Sept 25th. On the wait list Oct 1st: #18. By Jan 25th, we're #13!
    Come home, baby A!
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    That is so exciting!  And what a blessing to receive the anonymous gift! 
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    Congrats!  We would still love for you to check out our family association if you are interested.  Our next event is a Ladies Night out later in January.  PM me if you are interested in details.

     Here's hoping for a short wait for you!

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    So exciting! Congrats and prayers for a short wait!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    TTC since June 2009
    01/10- Femara
    03/10- Femara
    07/2010- Clomid with injectables and IUI #1
    08/2010- IUI #2
    06/2011- IVF #1 BFP!
    09/2011- Miscarriage at 10 1/2 weeks
    11/2011- FET
    01/2012- Start Home Study process
    03/2012- Home Study approved and now waiting on our child to find us!
    07/2012- matched with a BM who is due in October!
    11/10/12- our son is born!
    11/13/12- court grants us custody!
     12/28/12- finalization! Always ours in our hearts, also ours forever


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    That is so exciting, and awesome about the anonymous gift!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker}



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    You've really gotten a lot accomplished!  That's awesome!
    Married to my awesome husband 6/09~Grace June, stillborn 2/10~MC 10/10, 1/11, 7/11, 9/11~James Lamar, stillborn 9/12~Hoping to Adopt!
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    Congratulatuons!! I know you have been waiting a long time to take this step! How exciting.
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    That is great. Welcome back :)
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    WOOHOOO!!!!! And the gift donation by a total stranger thing is WAY cool!!!

    :::Our Adoption Journey:::

    Evan James was born 1/24/13 and matched with us 2/20/13. The LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!
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    Congrats!  This is such an exciting first step.  Looking forward to hearing more from you throughout your adoption journey.  That is so neat that you received an anonymous donation.  Wow.  God is so good.
    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    after several m/c, DD#1 born 7-7-08, more m/c and failed IVF, started adoption process March 2011, matched Oct 2, 2012, DD#2 born 10-31-12
    Hope Wait Pray Adoption Blog
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    How exciting!  And yay for anonymous donations!
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    Congrats Gnome- Today is a big day!!!


    Also, feel free to send that stranger our way :)

    TTC since June 2010
    5 Angels

    Lilypie - (hlC0)
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