
AW: I *love* gripe water!

So I've posted about how we haven't gotten any sleep between the hours of 1am and 5am in almost a week.  LO is either wide awake and looking around, crying, or wanting to cluster feed when the middle of the night rolls around.

Last night was our 2nd night of giving her gripe water when she started to cry (but wouldn't nurse... keep latching/unlatching and bobbing around) after 1am, and SHE SLEPT!  We got a total of 8 hours of sleep between 8:30pm and 6:30am.  She didn't have any stretches over 3 hours, but I'll take it!

DH this morning: "do they sell this stuff in bulk?" :)

Here's to hoping for continued sleeping success! 

Re: AW: I *love* gripe water!

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