Attachment Parenting

Eye or canine teeth nightmare

Ok I was just wondering if anyone else's LO suffered when cutting their eye teeth cuttingor are try called canine teeth,the fangs?. My lovely boy who I still nurse and cosleep with woke up the night before last in tears and shouting in what i believe is pain. He looked utterly confused and pointed to his mouth and the top 2 eye teeth are just poking through the gun. Usually I just nurse him and lie down with him and cuddle and he goes back to sleep but this time he just continued to cry for at least 30 mins. I felt helpless and sad i couldn't seem to help. Last night same thing happened again although he settled a little quicker. He is also off his food which sucks as he has just got over a cold and tummy bug so was off bison food then as well. Anyone else struggled with these pesky teeth? Any advice or even info on what it was like for you would be great. Fingers crossed he feels better for Christmas. Nelly :x

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