Babies: 0 - 3 Months

XP: Co-sleeping & side-lying position questions

LO went to sleep last night around 9:30, and was up at 11:15 and 12:45 before DH and I decided we needed to try *something.*  Side-lying BFing was recommended by many of you in response to one of my previous posts, so we decided to give it a whirl.  I've done it once or twice since she was born, but never at night.I'm happy to say that it was relatively successful.  She ate at 1:30 and 3:00, and then woke up around 7:00 this morning (and we stayed in bed for this feed too).  I should note that we co-slept from 1am-7am - DH wasn't so sure that it was a good idea (he thinks he's going to roll on top of her), but I assured him that I would keep her close to me and it would be fine, which it was!Anyways, I have some questions for those of you who co-sleep and/or feed your LO in side-lying position on a regular basis...1) Do you leave baby in the same spot all night?  I ended up moving her from my left side to my right side (and back again) so she could nurse from the bottom breast.  I can't figure out how she's supposed to be able to reach the top breast without me almost laying on top of her.2) How long before baby was able to latch well without much help in this position?  I had to unlatch her and help her get situated 3 or 4 times each time we nursed because it didn't feel right.  But it's basically impossible to hold a breast in one hand and her head in another to get a good latch when we're both on our sides... So I just held the breast and let her get herself on there - it just took a lot of effort.3) If you co-sleep... Do you sleep in side-lying the entire night?  I could not get comfortable for the life of me.  If my pillow felt okay, my hips were killing me.  If my hips and legs felt okay, my shoulders started to hurt.  I was on my side the whole night with my bottom arm under my pillow (above her head), and my top arm holding her back/bottom to keep her close.   Thanks for any suggestions on how to make this easier!  I'm glad she seemed to do so well with it, and am hoping to continue if it helps us all sleep a little better :) 

Re: XP: Co-sleeping & side-lying position questions

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    I co-slept with my first daughter and am doing it for most of the night with my younger daughter as well.  With my first, I was pretty uncomfortable most nights because I slept on my side and my arm was in weird positions making sure she didn't roll off the bed or get smothered by my husband or dog.  I switched her from side to side all night because it's way more comfortable than nursing from the top breast while laying down.  I slept with a pillow between my knees and it really helped with some of the hip pain.

    With my younger daughter, I am WAY more comfortable.  My husband sleeps with my older daughter, so I have the whole bed to myself.  I also swaddle her, so I don't need to be right ext to her the whole night.  I put her in the Rock n' Play for the first part of the night, so I get some really good sleep for part of the night.   

    I can't remember when the latching got really easy in the dark.  It does get easier though!

    Good luck! 

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    I don't have any advice on the breastfeeding as I had to stop unfortunately...

    But for co-sleeping. Baby and I sleep well together with her on my stomach. I don't move anymore and she hugs my tummy and her head is by my heart and she sleeps so well. Halfway through the night if I wake up at all I will rotate her to my side or over to her own space on my bed and she sleeps just fine. If she can't find me when she wakes up she freaks out a little bit but that's only if I'm not in bed anymore. I do not put her on a pillow or have excess blankets for her when she is in her own spot just to be safe. 

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