June 2013 Moms

My mom's comment about Kate Middleton

"So she's pregnant and in the hospital because she's 'so sick with morning sickness'" (picture her making quotes with her hands). My mom thinks it is ridiculous that she's in the hospital because every woman has morning sickness and she's just getting pampered for being a princess (or whatever she is. Duchess I guess).

I said, well, she has HG. Remember how I had that with DS? And I was in the hospital 4 times before I delivered?

She said, "oh. well, I guess I didn't realize it could be that bad."

UGH! HG is serious and yes, it is THAT bad. I wish more people were informed about just how dangerous and serious morning sickness can be for some women. You'd think knowing what I went through that my own mother wouldn't make comments like that.

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Re: My mom's comment about Kate Middleton

  • I really hope her HG brings light to how real and serious it can be!
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    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagekaleyandjason:
    I really hope her HG brings light to how real and serious it can be!

    I hope so too.

    I'm not usually a huge fan of people fawning all over what celebrities say (Jenny McCarthy anyone??) but at the same time, they do help bring serious issues to the spotlight.

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  • I have a friend that had HG with all three of her pregnancies.  She was hospitalized with all three.  Hope Kate feels better soon.  Kind of excited to find out her due month. 

  • imagekimberly_ann81:

    I have a friend that had HG with all three of her pregnancies.  She was hospitalized with all three.  Hope Kate feels better soon.  Kind of excited to find out her due month. 

    I heard there was some drama over on July 2013. Someone claiming Kate was going to steal her thunder.

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    BFP #1: 6.26.12 EDD: 2.11.13 missed m/c: 7.31.12 @ 12 weeks
    BFP #2: 10.1.12 EDD: 6.11.13 Born 6.13.13
    photo 2546f8b6-17f6-4b55-b007-93a547c620b8.jpg

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagekaleyandjason:

    I have a friend that had HG with all three of her pregnancies.  She was hospitalized with all three.  Hope Kate feels better soon.  Kind of excited to find out her due month. 

    I heard there was some drama over on July 2013. Someone claiming Kate was going to steal her thunder.

    Whaaa?? I'll have to go check that out! I live for that kind of drama. My own life is so boring.

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  • imagekaleyandjason:

    I have a friend that had HG with all three of her pregnancies.  She was hospitalized with all three.  Hope Kate feels better soon.  Kind of excited to find out her due month. 

    I heard there was some drama over on July 2013. Someone claiming Kate was going to steal her thunder.

    Really? Steal her thunder?  Someone needs to get a life!!

    Kate is due in June, from what they said on T.V

    DS1 2-26-07
    DS2 10-18-10
    M/C 8-5-12
    DS3  6-21-13
    #4 Due May 2015

    IT'S A BOY


  • imageBIM22607:

    I have a friend that had HG with all three of her pregnancies.  She was hospitalized with all three.  Hope Kate feels better soon.  Kind of excited to find out her due month. 

    I heard there was some drama over on July 2013. Someone claiming Kate was going to steal her thunder.

    Really? Steal her thunder?  Someone needs to get a life!!

    Kate is due in June, from what they said on T.V

    Boo, that was a letdown. All she said was that she lives in the U.K. so people keep making comments that maybe they will have their baby the same day. And then she said, my baby is important too! And then a mountain was made out of  molehill by some random people.

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  • Someone made a similar comment on my FB announcement.  Poor Kate.  I know she wouldn't have gone to the hospital if she could avoid it.  She must be really sick.
  • imageQueSyrah:

    I have a friend that had HG with all three of her pregnancies.  She was hospitalized with all three.  Hope Kate feels better soon.  Kind of excited to find out her due month. 

    I heard there was some drama over on July 2013. Someone claiming Kate was going to steal her thunder.

    Really? Steal her thunder?  Someone needs to get a life!!

    Kate is due in June, from what they said on T.V

    Boo, that was a letdown. All she said was that she lives in the U.K. so people keep making comments that maybe they will have their baby the same day. And then she said, my baby is important too! And then a mountain was made out of  molehill by some random people.

    Oh, boring. I hadn't got over there to read it yet. I just saw it linked on TTGP (yes, I still lurk, lol). I thought it would be better than that.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    BFP #1: 6.26.12 EDD: 2.11.13 missed m/c: 7.31.12 @ 12 weeks
    BFP #2: 10.1.12 EDD: 6.11.13 Born 6.13.13
    photo 2546f8b6-17f6-4b55-b007-93a547c620b8.jpg

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imageSouthSideDrea:

    Well, I'm sitting at home on my couch where I have to sit with an IV in my arm for the next three days, and I have a pump I have to stab into my stomach to get medicine 24 hours a day. I'm so sick that I miss more work than I attend and have to have a home are nurse come over once a week to put a new IV port in. Does that make me a pampered princess? According to a lot of people who don't know sh!t I guess it does. Oh, did I mention that all this "pampering" is costing my $4k out f pocket over the course of this pregnancy? 

    Im so sorry you suffered and you are hearing that bull$hit from your own mother. I'm lucky, my family did their research and sympathizes the bet they can, I think if my mom came out with that nonsense I'd lose it. 

     Sorry for the vent. The trolls have been getting to me since the news broke. How are you this pregnancy? Suffering again or feeling decent?  

    Yeah, you need to just suck it up Stick out tongue

    TOTALLY KIDDING! I'm sorry you're so miserable, it's got to be tough with a little one at home!

    I'm actually doing better this time than I did last time. Last time I didn't see any sort of relief until after 20 weeks. This time, it was really rough between 6 and 10 weeks so I feared I was heading down that road again.  Luckily I haven't vomited since Friday and as long as I keep eating, my nausea is under control. Knock on wood, it looks like I'll be having a normal pregnancy this time.

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  • Side note: I love, love, love your new ticker. 

    Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)

  • imageJinglesChic:
    Side note: I love, love, love your new ticker. 

    Thanks lady! We keep missing each other on here. I must be FB stupid because I still can't find you on there. Can you find me?

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  • imagenotquiteblushing:
    Someone made a similar comment on my FB announcement.  Poor Kate.  I know she wouldn't have gone to the hospital if she could avoid it.  She must be really sick.

    Exactly! I think that's the whole reason they were forced into telling before they really wanted to (according to news reports). But she can't exactly go to the hospital for HG and NOT have a media shitstorm ensue. Poor girl.

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  • imageQueSyrah:

    Side note: I love, love, love your new ticker. 

    Thanks lady! We keep missing each other on here. I must be FB stupid because I still can't find you on there. Can you find me?

    PM me your info (URL is best if you have it) and I'll look for you.  

    Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)

  • imageQueSyrah:

    Side note: I love, love, love your new ticker. 

    Thanks lady! We keep missing each other on here. I must be FB stupid because I still can't find you on there. Can you find me?

    PM me your info (URL is best if you have it) and I'll look for you.  

    Proud Mama to Mickey (12.03.09) and Nemo (06.06.13)

  • imagekaleyandjason:
    I really hope her HG brings light to how real and serious it can be!
    Me too!
    Unexplained Infertility

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    Surprise! Baby #4 is due in March!
  • I can't believe your mom made such a comment after you had gone through it yourself.  I had no clue what HG is, but after reading more about it my heart goes out to Kate and everyone who has to go through HG. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm right there with you, Que. My MIL called Kate "weak" for going to the hospital "for morning sickness." I literally felt the heat rise up my face when H told me. Thankfully, it wasn't in front of me, or I would've blown. I suppose she thought I was weak during my last pregnancy. How could she forget that what I went through with DD was extremely similar to what poor Kate is going through? Oy. People can be such mindless, heartless tools.

    And Drea, I'm so sorry you're going through this again. Hugs.
    imagePregnancy Ticker
  • Well, that's ignorant. I feel so bad for everyone on here going through it. Hopefully, KM's hospitalization will encourage people to do a little googling so they can learn that HG is a real thing and not just a woman being a drama queen.

    I hope all of you who are this sick start to feel better soon. 

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