If anyone needs to be added to the list let me know!
Due Dates:
hiimpolish = Nov 30th
dee12807 = Dec 1st
yaeger16 = Dec 1st
MommaEA = Dec 5th
JLSMITH124 = Dec 6th
Mommytott = Dec 9th
jessrenee11 = Jan 18th
pitterpatter129 = Jan 24th
fsu78 = Jan 25th
tiffanyp = Feb 2nd
desertlady86 = Feb 2nd
tabby0521 = Feb 2nd
lswivel = Feb 3rd
missesru = Feb 8th
IncogNeato = Feb 14th
Fairy kisses = Feb 15th
Linds619 = Feb 22nd
sofamonkey = Feb 23rd
Tb2331 = Feb 24th
onlymeggan = March 5th
watermellens = March 16th
Principessa81 = April 1st
OhSewCrafty = April 1st
ChicagoBroad26 = April 10th
letranger = April 20th
dieted01 = March 23rd
BOTB = May 1st
sdpookie13 = June 3rd
ken&kendra= July 4th
How many weeks are you?
Boy, Girl, Team Green, or U/S date?
QOTW: Is there anything you are going to try and do differently with this Lo then you did with the other? Sleep, BFing, etc..
Bonus: Bump pic
How many weeks are you? 26w 1d
Boy, Girl, Team Green, or U/S date? Blue!
QOTW: Is there anything you are going to try and do differently with this Lo then you did with the other? Sleep, BFing, etc.. I'm going to be sharing the over night stuff more with my H, I'm hoping for an easier time BFing but you never know.
Bonus: Bump pic 1st is 26w with current pregnancy 2nd is 26 w with J.... I cannot explain my thing for stripes or this hairstyle LOL My bump has some catching up to do this time LOL
Boy, Girl, Team Green, or U/S date? Girl a who still has no name!!!!
QOTW: Is there anything you are going to try and do differently with this Lo then you did with the other? Sleep, BFing, etc.. I plan to try to BF again, but don't really have an interest in it like last time, sad as that sounds. T was a very easy baby, so we'll probably stick to the same types of things. FX this baby is like her brother :P
Yipee! I'm new to the list....due on July 4, 2013!
I just had my first ultrasound today....and saw everything was a-ok so far. I had a loss before my LO, and another in August just after I oh-so-briefly announced on the bump, so I was a bit nervous to share the news.
FX for a happy & healthy pregnancy.
I hope breastfeeding goes as swimmingly as it did last time (after a few painful weeks early on), and will definitely try to get this babe to STTN before 6.5 months.
How many weeks are you? 30.5
Boy, Girl, Team Green, or U/S date? Boy!
QOTW: Is there anything you are going to try and do differently with this Lo then you did with the other? Sleep, BFing, etc..
I'm hoping BFing will work out better this time. Other than that C was a really easy baby so I will just try to do much of the same with this babe.
Bonus: Bump pic
Taken this morning
FX for a H&H pregnancy!
Oh yay! I was wondering how she was doing.
Yay, congratulations!!
How many weeks? 39 weeks tomorrow. Pay no attention to my ticker, it's wrong!
Boy/Girl?: Third boy.
QOTW: Anything you are going to do differently?: Use the baby carrier this time around. I have run out of arms haha!
My little man at 0-1-2
WHOO HOO! Congrats!