3rd Trimester

shaving is a no go

anyother bumpies finding it hard to shave these days?? i found myself huffing and puffing after trying to shave my legs not to mention i had to figure out some way to get to the lovely lady area..im possiably concidering a shaving strike till the baby is due

Re: shaving is a no go

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    HA!! Shave what? Armpits, no problem. Legs, ehhhh. Anything else?! Um, no.
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    i thought about using a hair remover cream like veet thats suppose to be safe for the bikini area and legs but im not really sure. Ive also considered waxing but dont want to spend the ridiculous amount of $$ for it and doing it myself is no better than the shaving massacre...im on strike for a min till i decide for sure.
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    Arm pits no prob. Legs, meh, a few times a week. 

    Today I tamed the nether regions...it took forever, I had to use a big mirror, but I feel SOOOOOO much better!

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    I have reverted to sitting on the side of the tub to shave my legs. I'm trying to convince DH to put a shaving pedestal in our shower now for easier leg shaving action. I had DH shave my lady bits a few weeks ago. Let me tell ya that was a fun and giggly moment for us, never to be forgotten. I am probably going to have to sit down in the tub with my mirror and electric razor tomorrow for a little clean up. I have thought about not giving a s#it about everything being shaved but I have thick hair and it gets uncomfortable if I don't have for a while.
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    Getting my legs waxed in 2 weeks. I LOVE getting my legs waxed. It may be a little pricey, 35 bucks, but then the hair is GONE for 4 weeks for me and it grows back thinner and sparser. The woman who waxes my legs is even offering to do a brazillian for me as a "pre baby gift." She does that for all of her pregnant customers. I am working up the nerve to go for the full monty. Even if not, I will definitely be getting at least a bikini wax.
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    I remember with my first I was a fanatic about shaving (legs and lady parts) bc I was so nervous I'd go into labor with hairy legs. Well I had a c/s and the doctor commented "oh wow I don't even have to shave her." hahahaha I seriously busted out laughing while strapped to the table! 

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    I shaved the bikini region about 4 days ago. I now have the worst rubby rash down yonder. It will be the last time the lady parts see a razor until my 6 week post-partum check. I was previously a bikini waxer and that was too painful, however this chaffing is pure misery. 
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    I used to enjoy sitting in the tub and relaxing and taking the time to carefully shave my legs and every thing else that needs to be shaved....and now I honestly don't remember the last time I could actually SEE my 'everything else'...let alone get it all shaved.  Nor do I have the cahones to get it all waxed....

    When I was 16 I wanted to not have to shave everyday while I was gone at cheer camp in the middle of the summer in a community shower...so I decided to wax my legs...BIG HUGE MISTAKE>>>I have much more coarse hair than I realized at the time and ended up 'scalping' my shins.  I still have scars.  Bright side...The hair in those two spots...nearly non existant 14 years later lol!

    Oh the things we do in the name of beauty....guys have no idea how good they've got it!

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    I opted not to shave down there for the past week. If I were to shave now, have the baby tomorrow in about 3 days it's going to be an itchy mess down there. Not something I will want to deal with if I have stitches. 

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    I've been trimming more than shaving. Trimming doesn't give me ingrowns or any itching so it works. Legs are another story....I plan on shaving them 1 last time when I'm in early labor. It's cold here and they itch from dry skin if I don't lotion right away....which I can't do solo soooo I wait.
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    I was having the hardest time for a few weeks... then suddenly a couple days ago it's just been easier to bend and shave/put on socks etc. I'm not sure if she's a little lower and more out of the way but it's kind of working out again!
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    Trying to get my legs has been tricky enough.  For the lady parts, I am now strickly shaving using "the force"- going by feel at this point and hoping I don't knick anything along the way.  I've been told the doctors don't really care, but this is more for my sake so I don't feel so slovenly.
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    Trying to get my legs has been tricky enough.  For the lady parts, I am now strickly shaving using "the force"- going by feel at this point and hoping I don't knick anything along the way.  I've been told the doctors don't really care, but this is more for my sake so I don't feel so slovenly.

    Same here - praying the whole time I'm not going to really hurt myself!  So far so good, but it may come to a point where it's safer to have DH do it for me - scary thought!

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    Yes, getting hard to shave the legs.  I have a mirror for the "lady parts" but I am basically just shaving everything down there.  I'd prefer having a little bit of hair but I can't really see/do it well, so I'd rather have hardly any - just makes me feel cleaner. 
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