I thought it would be fun to share testing stories...so reply if you want to! It is fun to hear how different people react!
I first tested on Tuesday the 20th. It came out negative. It was 3 days before my period was supposed to start. I really didn't think I was prego.
Then I tested again on Thanksgiving. I wasn't showing signs except a little spotting (it kept tricking me into that I was starting my period). I took it because I didn't want to drink if I by any chance was. Well I pee'd on it and waited and was about to throw it away but then looked closer and there was a FAINT second line. This is what happened with my son so I was ecstatic. And I'm so glad I tested because I would of been drinking a few glasses of wine if not. The hubs was way excited but now thinks he has "super sperm" (typical guy) because we were blessed to get pregnant fairly quickly both times.
I tested yesterday and this time it was not faint at all. I am so excited. Especially because I had my first baby in December and now I am having a summer baby yay!
What are your testing stories?
Re: Testing Stories...
Woke up this morning after having a dream I got a positive test. Wasn't planning on testing since I started wayyyyy too early this month and tested at 8dpo and 9dpo, very clear negatives.(In my defense, it was because we were with friends and there was lots of drinking!) After that dream I was like what the hell, why not?
Test looked negative at first, I started brushing my teeth and looked down because I *sort* of thought I saw a shadowy bit of...something? Picked it up and started squinting at it and telling myself I maybe saw something. I'd had this idea of doing something really cute to tell DH, and instead I threw open the bathroom door, asked him to come in (toothbrush still in hand) and shoved a pee stick in his face demanding to know if he saw something there...LOL. So much for romance!
After a couple minutes the line was clear but faint, and we both cried and got all excited. It was sweet if not exactly storybook.
I went grocery shopping last Monday and picked up some HPT's, as my plan was to test on Thanksgiving. As I was unloading the groceries, curiosity got the best of me and I decided to take a FRER. Wasn't totally sure when my period was due, but just did it for kicks. I was SHOCKED to see a very faint line. I tried to confirm with a digi and got "not pregnant." I've heard those are more sensitive though do decided to wait a few days to use one again.
Meanwhile, I was totally planning on holding off on telling DH til the following evening, assuming I got a clearer positive the next day. I'm the worst secret keeper ever. We were laying in bed and had Investigative Discovery on .... we have a crime TV addiction. The show was about some kid who killed her parents. DH looks at me and goes... Honey, I hope our kids don't kill us. I burst out laughing and he knew something was up. So I told him. Lol! Oh well....
The next day I confirmed with another FRER and a digital!
Edit mobile bumping
Love this idea! So creative!
I tested at 6:35am on Wednesday the 21st. waited those looong 3 minutes! (I took a digital test) and PREGNANT showed up- I was in complete shock because we just started trying the beginning of November. I then ran into our bedroom and woke my husband up who works third shift and was like READ THIS!!!!!! 25 minutes later I took another test- about two minutes later another PREGNANT came up- so I showed my hubby again... he was excited but poor thing was so tired! So I got ready for work- yeah had to go all day(well til lunch) came home on my break and took another one-- within 30 seconds of peeing on the stick--PREGNANT came up!!! I again was beyond thrilled and so was my husband!!
We are expecting our first baby August 2 well that's whay my EDD is- I can't wait for my first appointment. seems soooo long away!!!
We told our parents that night! they are beyond thrilled for us- its the first grandbaby on my husbands side and the second on my side- both parents are so happy for us!!!
Congrats to all mommy's to be!!! and TTC!
I got married Sept 15th of this year. But DH and I have been TTC for about a year. Not going crazy with ovulation tests or anything because we had the wedding coming up, but not doing anything to prevent it either. I went to the OB/GYN on Nov 16th, my 35th birthday, for my annual and to get some info on what to do to conceive since I was 35 that day and DH had just turned 50 on the 1st of Nov. She gave me all this info and took blood to check hormone levels and see if I was pregnant. (I had been feeling nauseous in the morning, but the 2 home tests were BFN.) I got a call from the doctor on Monday saying I had to come back in the next day because I was pregnant and they wanted to do more blood work and prenatal visit. Hands-down best birthday gift I have ever received
I tested this morning at either 8 or 12dpo (not sure based on my chart and cramping) and I was brushing my teeth when I thought I saw a faint second line. I decided to finish brushing my teeth and not torture myself but when I looked again, there was definitely a second faint line on my Wondfo. I had tested yesterday with a clear negative so I quickly busted out a FRER that I had been saving and I also grabbed an HPT cassette test, which is like a Wondfo. (I'm swimming in OPKs and HPTs.) I thankfully saved my pee in case it was a positive so I dipped the other two tests and faint lines appeared.
I ran out to the kitchen where DH was getting breakfast ready for the kids and I silently started jumping up and down like an insane person. My son said, "What are you doing, Mommy?" DH later said that he just heard some sort of flapping and he turned around to see me acting like a freak and he said, "Are you pregnant?!!" I nodded and he asked if I was serious. He gave me a kiss and then I showed him my three tests. He was surprised by how faint the lines were but he knows that a line is a line.
By this time DH was on a hunting trip so I just text him a picture of the test. Definitely not the announcement I had planned but I was too excited to wait til he got home.