October 2012 Moms

Real talk time

Real talk time

Aka Saturday night confessions. I just spent 20 minutes scrubbing the gunk that somehow accumulates near my kitchen window.

I live a glamorous life. Anyone with me???

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Re: Real talk time

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    My dad is home and I can honestly say I didn't miss him.  This week ran so much smoother without him here.  I know I say this all the time but I CANNOT WAIT TO MOVE!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!

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    I purposely made me n DH late for the movie so we would miss it because I didn't want to leave my sweet muffin that long......geez I can't go 2 hours how am I supposed to do eight when I go back to work!
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    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Oct Angel Babies
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    I have not moved from my bed... And started E's bedtime much earlier, secretly hoping DH will clean the kitchen while I put the little one to sleep!

    Married my best friend 09.18.11
    TTC since 12.10.11, BFP #1 02.10.12
    Baby E born 10/18/12. 8.5lbs and 21in of pure perfection!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    My Blogging Endeavors:
    Here Comes Mommy
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    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.

    FTW! Lol.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.


    I would do this all the time if I wasn't BFing. Bah.

    I feel guilty we haven't done anything sexually in two weeks but DD has taken to cluster feeding 7:30-9:30 and when she's done so am I... 

    DD 9/15/12
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    This is fantastic!
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    I feel bad but I really don't like my inlaws that much and I think part of the reason is that they are fat and slovenly :(:(:( They eat all my food, don't lift a finger around the house, make grunts when they stand up and sit down, sleep apnea so bad I can hear the snoring 3 rooms away... I am pretty sure I am mainly worried DD will follow their example and develop unhealthy habits.

    I realize this is not good at all to feel this way and I am just venting here. I am just so tired from this weekend...

    DD 9/15/12
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    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.

    you are my hero lol 

    Married my best friend 09.18.11
    TTC since 12.10.11, BFP #1 02.10.12
    Baby E born 10/18/12. 8.5lbs and 21in of pure perfection!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    My Blogging Endeavors:
    Here Comes Mommy
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    imageStarry Again:

    I feel bad but I really don't like my inlaws that much and I think part of the reason is that they are fat and slovenly :(:(:( They eat all my food, don't lift a finger around the house, make grunts when they stand up and sit down, sleep apnea so bad I can hear the snoring 3 rooms away... I am pretty sure I am mainly worried DD will follow their example and develop unhealthy habits.

    I realize this is not good at all to feel this way and I am just venting here. I am just so tired from this weekend...

    i feel the same way about mine. They do nothing all day and eat with their mouths open and scream to each other instead of speaking like adults. I wish my parents lived in NY so I could have someone other than my ILs to babysit. 

    Married my best friend 09.18.11
    TTC since 12.10.11, BFP #1 02.10.12
    Baby E born 10/18/12. 8.5lbs and 21in of pure perfection!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    My Blogging Endeavors:
    Here Comes Mommy
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    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.

    I'm literally about to go do this for the exact same purpose. Although I'm way better at bj than hj. So it'll prob be that.
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    imageStarry Again:

    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.


    I would do this all the time if I wasn't BFing. Bah.

    I feel guilty we haven't done anything sexually in two weeks but DD has taken to cluster feeding 7:30-9:30 and when she's done so am I... 

    Now I feel REALLY bad since we haven't done anything since before the baby was born....
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    I let Alice fuss more than I usually would this morning so she would wake up Husband. He pissed me off at the 3:00am feeding so I let her fuss at 6:00 when she was ready for more food. He woke up, but I ended up feeding her. She never did go back down, and he got up with her at 7. I slept till 9:45. It was fabulous.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
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    imageStarry Again:

    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.


    I would do this all the time if I wasn't BFing. Bah.

    I feel guilty we haven't done anything sexually in two weeks but DD has taken to cluster feeding 7:30-9:30 and when she's done so am I... 

    Now I feel REALLY bad since we haven't done anything since before the baby was born....

    HA! Same here.


    After 7 years of no ovulation...
    BFP#1 10/24/11 ~ EDD 6/29/12 ~ Natural m/c 11/2/11
    BFP#2 2/3/12 ~ Alice born 9/26/12

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Oct Angel Babies
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    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.

    I would totally do this ifMH actually did more around the house without me nagging b!tching, and complaining until it got done.

    I have nothing to say for real talk for fear of it becoming a vent. But I do secretly not want to pay the cable until it gets shut off and then tell MH we can't afford it with him staying home with the kids. Maybe that will get his butt off the couch.
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    imageStarry Again:

    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.


    I would do this all the time if I wasn't BFing. Bah.

    I feel guilty we haven't done anything sexually in two weeks but DD has taken to cluster feeding 7:30-9:30 and when she's done so am I... 

    Now I feel REALLY bad since we haven't done anything since before the baby was born....

    Ha, no worries. I was put on pelvic rest for bleeding, so we haven't done anything since I got pregnant! Plenty of time for that later.

    photo IMG_6758_zps3fe7e628.jpg
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    I have been cleaning like crazy. Tomorrow Nora will be baptized and we are having everyone to our house after. Cookies brownies and my favorite yummy soup all made!
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    Earlier this week at our 5a feeding faked having to use the bathroom so DH could bottlefeed bm and burb LO. I came in room and went to sleep for an hour

    I'm awful 

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    My DH still hasn't changed a diaper and I do not know how to make him do it but as payback I haven't done him any favors (sexually) since giving birth.  

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    imageStarry Again:

    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.


    I would do this all the time if I wasn't BFing. Bah.

    I feel guilty we haven't done anything sexually in two weeks but DD has taken to cluster feeding 7:30-9:30 and when she's done so am I... 

    Now I feel REALLY bad since we haven't done anything since before the baby was born....

    No sex or sexual favors since BFP, thank GOD we have a cute child or the guy would have rushed out the door a long time ago haha 

    Married my best friend 09.18.11
    TTC since 12.10.11, BFP #1 02.10.12
    Baby E born 10/18/12. 8.5lbs and 21in of pure perfection!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    My Blogging Endeavors:
    Here Comes Mommy
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    My DH still hasn't changed a diaper and I do not know how to make him do it but as payback I haven't done him any favors sexually since giving birth. nbsp;

    How the hell has he not changed any diapers?! What?!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I'm not sure I love my dad anymore. Everything he says or does ticks me off. He's said so many horrible things to me only to turn around and accuse me of making everything up and blaming me for our lousy relationship. I'm just done. Yes I realize he's my father but I just don't have any positive feelings toward him anymore.

    Wow that felt good to get that off my chest.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers

    Currently going through our second deployment. Can't wait for Zoe to meet her daddy!

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    I'm not sure I love my dad anymore. Everything he says or does ticks me off. He's said so many horrible things to me only to turn around and accuse me of making everything up and blaming me for our lousy relationship. I'm just done. Yes I realize he's my father but I just don't have any positive feelings toward him anymore.

    Wow that felt good to get that off my chest.

    Me neither... Hugs. Sometimes it's more of a weight lifted to just realize that.
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    My DH still hasn't changed a diaper and I do not know how to make him do it but as payback I haven't done him any favors sexually since giving birth. nbsp;

    How the hell has he not changed any diapers?! What?!

    MH has it changed maybe 2 diapers up until this weekend. LO is getting bigger and not so squished up anymore so he feels more comfortable with him.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
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    My DH still hasn't changed a diaper and I do not know how to make him do it but as payback I haven't done him any favors sexually since giving birth. nbsp;

    How the hell has he not changed any diapers?! What?!

    MH has it changed maybe 2 diapers up until this weekend. LO is getting bigger and not so squished up anymore so he feels more comfortable with him.

    Y'all have much more patience than I have!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

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    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.

    I'm shocked!  Hand jobs aren't worth a dime round here.  A BJ carries a much higher currency!  My DH would probably decline a hand job even if it was free.  Maybe I give really bad hand jobs!  Lol don't care. Not gonna practice!  

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    My DH still hasn't changed a diaper and I do not know how to make him do it but as payback I haven't done him any favors sexually since giving birth. nbsp;

    How the hell has he not changed any diapers?! What?!

    MH has it changed maybe 2 diapers up until this weekend. LO is getting bigger and not so squished up anymore so he feels more comfortable with him.

    Y'all have much more patience than I have!

    Yes it takes A LOT of patience everyday. I think with my Dh its cultural as well as the fact that he is scared he will do something wrong.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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    I am secretly hoping that my boss will royally mess something up while I am on maternity leave, so he gets fired and I get his job. He is ridiculous and creates a bad work environment.
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    Do we have the same IL's??
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    imageStarry Again:

    I feel bad but I really don't like my inlaws that much and I think part of the reason is that they are fat and slovenly :(:(:( They eat all my food, don't lift a finger around the house, make grunts when they stand up and sit down, sleep apnea so bad I can hear the snoring 3 rooms away... I am pretty sure I am mainly worried DD will follow their example and develop unhealthy habits.

    I realize this is not good at all to feel this way and I am just venting here. I am just so tired from this weekend...

    do we have the same IL's? 2 weeks down, one to go! 

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    I can't believe some of your dh's never/hardly ever change diapers! My dh can only use one arm and he changes at least 30 of the diapers! And that's because I stay at home with dd more right now! I'm so lucky to have him, he's amazing and could totally put some people with their lame excuses to shame! ;
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    Glad to hear other people aren't into sex right now. I feel like all the posts I read are "couldn't wait to get it on at 3 weeks!" or "had awesome sex last night at 5 weeks." I am trying to do something once a week but it is pretty much a chore at this point.
    DD 9/15/12
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    I was really mean to DS1 this morning (not abusive or anything) and feel terrible about it.  DS2 was up from 3am until 5:15, and then DS1 decided it was time to get up at 5:30.  DH would have normally gotten up with him, but he was up until 5am himself finishing a project for work.  I tried to bring DS1 into our bed, but he kept kicking and rolling around.  Then he wanted a drink of water, so i gave him my water bottle, which he finished and then threw, hitting DS2 in the head (luckily it was empty, so it didn't hurt).  I kept telling him to stop and calm down, but he wouldn't, and he threw his head back, hitting me in the face and giving me a fat lip.  I yelled at him and told him that was it, he had to sit in his room by himself for a bit.  I grabbed him, which I think startled him because he started to cry, and I took him to his room and put him on his bed.  I felt bad that I made him cry, so I put a movie on for him and left him in his room, but then he just cried more.  I was so upset and exhausted that I left him there crying for about 15-20 minutes.  This lack of sleep is really getting the best of me, and now I feel like a terrible mother...
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    imageStarry Again:

    I traded DH a hand job for sleep. As in, I gave him a hand job and he agreed to do all night shifts with the baby tonight.


    I would do this all the time if I wasn't BFing. Bah.

    I feel guilty we haven't done anything sexually in two weeks but DD has taken to cluster feeding 7:30-9:30 and when she's done so am I... 

    Now I feel REALLY bad since we haven't done anything since before the baby was born....

    Us either, I was in the mood yesterday but then he did something a-holish and I was quickly not in the mood anymore. He hasn't mentioned anything.

    Confession: I haven't mentioned that we could start having "relations" again now that it's after 6 wks. I think he thinks that I have to wait till I go to the dr (Dec 10th) and I haven't corrected him because I don't want the pressure. 

    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers Oct Angel Babies boots badge
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    Lmao! Ahh sexual favors. This is how I got to sleep in two days ago.
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